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» » How to eat to women of different ages?

How to eat to women of different ages?

For those over 20

In the pursuit of success and the attention of the opposite sex young girls rarely take care of their diet, but in vain. At this age the foundations for women's health, forming a foundation for a prosperous old age, any preconditions for future disease.

 20-year-old girls often limit themselves in power, following strict diets. Nevertheless, it is at a young age to do so is not recommended. With moderate eating fast metabolism will prevent overweight, but the deprivation of proteins of the organism will serve him bad service: due to a decrease in muscle mass can be very stout woman after 30 years. Form in this period it is recommended to maintain due to physical activity or one fasting day per week (apple, cucumber, kefir).

 Nutritionists recommend that girls eat foods rich in fiber, as a lack of dietary fiber at a young age can cause high blood pressure and problems of the gastrointestinal tract in maturity. In addition, a period of 20-30 years - it's time to take care of the locomotor system of women: a sufficient amount of calcium in these years will provide a good bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis in the future. Thus, the diet should be enriched with girls dairy products (kefir, yogurt, cheese), proteins (fish, cheese, boiled meat), as well as whole grain cereals and vegetables.

How to eat to women of different ages?

For those over 30

  Age after age 30 is saturated with all kinds of stress: it is child care, and the need to build a career. During this period it is necessary to closely monitor the eating habits, not allowing yourself to "jam" problem, or pamper yourself excessive consumption of starchy foods and sweets. Metabolism 30-year-old woman has slowed down, so all that was eaten too much, be sure to end up on the waist, abdomen and thighs. This age is dangerous because it recruited as a result of excess weight is difficult to return, and, surpassing the barrier of 40 years, plump woman cast doubt on the health of the joints and blood vessels.

 Therefore, an important rule in the diet of women after 30 years - to observe moderation. At this time it is better to limit the use of potatoes, pasta, sweets, replacing them with protein products. However, the diet of women should still be rich in nutrients entering the body together with fruits, vegetables and dairy products.

 Period from 30 to 40 years - the last chance when you can start to eat right. This is the time when healthy eating will still allow women to protect the body against serious diseases associated with the presence of harmful products in the diet. Next fight disease, adjusting his eating habits, it will be more difficult.

How to eat to women of different ages?

For those over 40

 Age over 40 years - a time when it begins to fade ovarian function. Together with a decrease in production of female hormones (estrogen) their role begins to take over the adipose tissue, which in menopausal body provokes the growth of fat cells increased appetite stimulation. Although some, a natural at this age is a set of weight on a diet after 40 years can not be - the complete absence of subcutaneous fat on the background of menopause lead to a sharp deterioration of the skin, insomnia, malfunction of the heart and blood vessels. Therefore, the diet of a mature woman should eliminate all fast carbs, opting for products, replacing them with plant estrogen analogues - phytoestrogens. These include soy, legumes (beans, peas, chickpeas, lentils), dairy products, vegetables and herbs (carrots, cabbage, garlic, celery, parsley), vegetable oils (sunflower, olive, sesame, flax), as well as rice, barley, oats and sunflower seeds.

 Furthermore, after the age of 40 can be called a time intensive prevention of Alzheimer's disease and cancer. For the prevention of disease should include in your diet sources of antioxidants: all bright vegetables and fruits, and to use them for at least two servings a day.

How to eat to women of different ages?

For those over 50

 These years are a clear indicator of the success of the food habits of women. Were they helpful? Do they provide a basis for healthy aging or only exacerbated his symptoms? At this time, start to get out of the disease associated with errors in nutrition: diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, hypertension. To reduce the symptoms the best solution would be a diet low in fat, rich in vegetables and fruits. Also, all 50-year-old woman fit to again think about the sufficient supply of calcium in the body, giving preference to dairy products and products containing Omega-3 fatty acids.

 50 years - not a reason to give up moderate exercise, burn excess weight, which in this age is fraught with diseases of the joints, shortness of breath. An active lifestyle and sports feasible at this time is especially needed and relevant.

How to eat to women of different ages?

Meals after 60

 At this age, the ability to absorb vitamins and minerals (ie calcium, iron, folic acid, vitamins B6 and B12) is reduced with food. Consequently, the demand for them is increasing. Older women should not forget to include in your diet lean meat, eggs, fish, cereal dishes as well as dairy products (eventually begin to lose bone calcium). So nutritionists recommend to consume at least 200 grams of fermented milk products and 100 grams of milk per day. In addition, with age decreases the body's ability to absorb vitamin D (the elements necessary for proper calcium absorption) through the skin, so women in this period it is recommended to compensate for meals, eating egg yolks, pork or beef liver, sour cream, canned salmon.

How to eat to women of different ages?

The role of vitamins in the body of 60-year-old woman's great: they stimulate the processing of cholesterol, preventing it from accumulating in the body. Even a slight deficiency of vitamin C in this age can lead to a heart attack, so the diet of 60-year-old woman should always be rich in fresh fruits, berries and vegetables, which also protect the brain from premature aging. A characteristic feature of the body at this time is a tendency to constipation, which can be prevented if you eat enough foods rich in fiber, as well as to enter into the diet of dried fruits and natural fruit drinks.
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