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Spring vegetables without harm to health


There is a persistent myth that small and pupyrchatoy cucumbers less nitrates than in long and smooth, but actually nitrates may be here and there. Make sure that the cucumber was not loose, myagkovataya and spotted.


A large, bright color, with pronounced white core - poor quality. Also, do not buy vegetables with the tip turned green and too long tops.


Healthy and useful vegetable has a flat and smooth skins must be bursting, cracked. Quality radishes can only be a good juicy tops.


If the flesh in berry lighter than the skin, and lots of white veins - this is evidence of the danger. If a thick skin - certainly grown with the use of nitrates.


danger sign - unnaturally dark color of the upper leaves are too large, cracking of head, strange dents. The danger of evidence and black spots on the leaves (the fungus and a sign of "nitrate" cabbage).


Choose small, firm, bright pods. The seeds should be small and flat. Avoid those that are broken or yellowed.


Too dark or "poisonous light green" paint, brittle leaves and brown tips, unnaturally long stems - a bad sign. If the beam bends down, so he was forced to grow up quickly and he could not be formed.


Choose crisp, green leaves and elastic, make sure the green appetizing smells. Use fresh spinach immediately after purchase, or store it in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for three to four days.


Look for smooth stem and white onion. Smaller bulbs fennel, tend to be more tender, with fewer layers zaderevenelyh, clean them.


Look for stems that smell fresh and green little flowers are closed. Avoid stalks with brown spots, mucosal structure or flaccid leaves.

Green onions

Look for dark green onions, which has a bright-white root. Green onion ends should be smooth and not broken. Avoid flabby stalks or watery.


Look for leeks with long, white, not wrinkled stems and bright green leaves. Try to avoid leeks with a diameter greater than one inch, or yellowed leaves or stems.


Look straight green rounded stems that are stable and have no flavor. Tips should be small, tight and closed. Avoid asparagus with woody stems. Refrigerate asparagus or keep it in cold water, if you want to use it during the day. Remember that the asparagus will retain its properties and freshness of the four days.


Choose artichokes with large leaves, dark green. When you rub a sheet on the sheet, it should produce a squeaking sound.


Push the nail on the tuber - young beznitratny potato will crackle. If it is loose and soft, inside hides an insidious "chemistry."

The right choice "by eye"

In theory, in organized markets or in supermarkets has a laboratory for testing of vegetables and greens, but even in the most-tested outlets sometimes find "overdose". So ask the seller a certificate of product quality. Also note that due to high doses of nitrates one vegetable can grow very large, and the other, on the contrary, "burned" because of overfeeding and looks less of their normal counterparts. Therefore, choose the size of conventional vegetables.

Forbidden fruit parts

It is believed that most of nitrate accumulated in green products: lettuce, onion, cabbage, fennel, spinach. In addition, the various parts of plants contain a different number of "chemistry." Most of it in the roots, stems, veins and leaf cuttings, and in the skin just behind her. Remove most of the nitrates of radish and cucumber happens if they cut from 1.5 cm tail and the peduncle, as well as clean. The cabbage discard the upper leaves and cobs. The greens do not eat the stems.

How to make safer vegetables and herbs

Few people know, that can reduce the level of nitrates in the home as well as to protect the products from other negative factors.

1. Mine and clean. Most of nitrates in those parts, which is sap flow: from the beet, cucumber, potato and zucchini peel it, from carrots, tomatoes and cabbage - an internal central portion, in radish - tops. Try not to eat them.

2. soaked. There is a popular folk method: in order to get rid of nitrates, the products need to soak. Usually they are soaked in saline solution (1.2 h. L. A glass of water) for 30 minutes. It is advisable to do it in the "right" water - filtered or from the well. Alas, with the nitrates in the water and go "utility" - part of the vitamins and minerals, but a payment for security.

3. Cook. To neutralize the nitrates can prepare the product - first they must be cleaned, and then boil.

4. Take askorbinku. Vitamin C reduces the risk of poison chemicals. So make it a habit to use vegetables with nitrates (cabbage, beets and radishes) to take ascorbic acid in its natural form: drink fruit juice or fill the "acid" salad (for example, apple cider vinegar or lemon juice).

5. Do not keep long. The longer the stored vegetables, the less they use. Therefore, buy fresh little every day and leave at night to prepare a salad.
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