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» » Young vegetables: how to benefit and to avoid poisoning

Young vegetables: how to benefit and to avoid poisoning

Chemistry vegetables

All of these poisons, which richly flavored with our fields, initially should bring only benefits. Of course, if they are well-dosed and do not exceed the norms. Unfortunately, the rules are violated at every step. So we have to escape from these "enemies" of their own, and for that they need to know in person. Let's get acquainted.

Neutralizing nitrates

The main and most common "spring" problem - nitrates. They are necessary for the growth of vegetables: the more nitrates, the larger a vegetable.

The law clearly regulates the norms of nitrates. But then again, who - the law, and to whom - "a piece of paper." But the nitrate content is very easy to cut.

Firstly, wash. And even more so - to soak! Cucumbers, zucchini, strawberries, radishes, early greens - all this must be put into the water for at least half an hour before eating or cooking.

Secondly, to keep all the "extra". With carrots cut top with cucumber - a skin, rather than use the upper leaves and core from the cabbage. It is in these parts accumulates the biggest dose of nitrates.

Third, be sure to cut off part of the greenish vegetables - a "greening" is often the case with potatoes and carrots. Nitrate there, maybe a little, but hiding a different enemy - solanine -which is very easy to be poisoned.

As it is known, when a heat treatment of vegetables vitamins contained in them are lost. The good news: nitrates, too! Steaming, stewing, frying and baking reduce the amount of harmful compounds in vegetables, but most of all nitrates out during cooking. So what's the best way to escape from harmful substances in the preparation of food - a cook vegetables.

The most dangerous

Nitrate most in those vegetables, fruits and berries, where a lot of fluids and lots of veins. So in the "top most dangerous" legitimately fall: white cabbage, cucumber, radishes, greens, cantaloupe, watermelon.


The longer the stored vegetables, the less there remains of vitamins and other utilities. Even a few days in the refrigerator fruit and vegetables can lose up to 30% of the vitamins. So choose only the freshest produce and as much as eat a couple of days.

If long-term storage and temperature change of nitrates and all can be converted into nitrites - carcinogens. So do not keep long thawed vegetables - they need to quickly cook and eat!


Be sure to wash not only fruits and vegetables that grow in the ground, but also those collected from the trees, and particularly those that are carried from distant countries. Often, these fruits and vegetables are treated with a gas mixture in order to protect from pests, cause at the right time to mature or just to spoil not so fast. Therefore, no harm will be washed with soap and water, not only hands, but also with oranges tangerines.

How do you know that the rate of the poison is very high?

The first rule is known to all, but many of them somehow neglected. Nevertheless, experts insist that you can not have just appeared vegetables, fruits and berries, and even more so do not buy children, "the first strawberry."

Moreover, small children should not be given watery fruits and vegetables, even with the "second party" maturation. But even after the sale of seasonal vegetables is already in full swing, you need to be alert all the time: to look at the appearance, sniff and taste!


- If watermelon or cantaloupe ripe for the mind, but not sweet, it is a sign of a large amount of nitrates,
- There can not be if the watermelon seeds and white clearly visible white veins,
- If tasteless cucumber - throw it,
- If the fetus is too watery or too bitter, give up its use.

As for other dangerous poisons, it is much easier with them. If the dose is exceeded, you will feel immediately - poisoning is virtually guaranteed.

But its still better!

Buy domestic call and convince consumers throughout the world. For example, Europeans explaining why you need to buy it local fruits and vegetables, the Commission puts forward three main arguments:

Long distance trade is bad for the environment. When the cucumbers and tomatoes driven many thousands of kilometers, it burned a huge amount of excess gasoline. Thus, I bought a cucumber, brought from overseas countries - caused additional damage to the environment!

Long journeys are bad for most of cucumber. While growing technology today and the same all over the world, freshness is lost on the road. Even nutritionists have repeatedly reminded: the best fruits and vegetables in season - local, from their region.

Finally, the social argument. I bought local - support its farmers, and than satisfied life of farmers, the affluent countries. After all, a situation where most of the population tends to a couple of major cities, creating large social problems and additional tension in the society.

Choosing the store or on the market first spring tomatoes, cucumbers and parsley, it is necessary to avoid fruits with too bright coloring, correct forms of vegetables and too "curly" green.

The first spring fruits, parsley, dill, celery, and so pleasing to the eye on the supermarket shelves, but, as experts say, are more of a danger than health benefits.
Often, the first spring vegetables nitrate level is through the roof, which can lead to severe intoxication and poisoning the body.

"Before the" official "season of certain vegetables, berries or vegetables, try to reduce their use to a minimum, it is slightly reduce the danger, or, at least, will not lead to the accumulation of harmful substances in your body" - suggests the expert.

One hundred percent to protect themselves from hazardous chemicals is difficult, but to reduce the likelihood of purchase is possible if carefully inspect each vegetable before buying.

Try to choose a medium-sized fruit. The more a particular fruit or vegetable, the more likely that they are stuffed growth stimulants. Also, in any case do not put in a basket vegetables and fruits from under the skin which are translucent brown or greyish spots, says the expert.

Intensively all harmful substances accumulate parsley, dill, onion, various kinds of salads, radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage. Keep this in mind, and before the onset of the season do not make them the basis of their diet.

Note that the cabbage is better to choose a thin stalk and without dark spots. The thicker the stem, the more dangerous it can be. Cucumbers should look natural - too large fruit and bright color, too "correct" form should alert.

Tomatoes should not be too bright and tight, and their skin - too thick.

White streaks in fleshy fruit - a serious reason to abandon its use.

In addition, the first fruits of absolutely contraindicated children. "Vegetables are grown in artificial conditions, are dangerous for children. This is exactly the case when their child is to feed something less than a vitamin, but a safe and stuff it with vitamins will be later, when it's the season of a vegetable or fruit "- advises the doctor.

"In spring vegetables grown in greenhouses, almost all of nitrate content significantly exceeded the norm, which can cause poisoning, intoxication. A dangerous dose for an adult - 500 mg, and for the child to be poisoned, that's enough, and 20-30, that is, a tomato or a cucumber, "- said the expert.

In the case of child poisoning should immediately see a specialist in order to avoid complications. Grown in the absence of severe pain and high temperature may take several tablets of activated charcoal (3 times a day for several days) or 2-3 days drink absorbents.

Meanwhile, the Federal Agency for Drug Administration published a list of the most "dirty", with a high content of fruit and vegetable pesticides.
Among them were celery, strawberries, apples, peaches, cherries, potatoes, bell peppers, blueberries, spinach, lettuce, grapes.

Among the less contaminated by pesticides fruits and vegetables - onion, avocado, corn, pineapple, mango, peas, asparagus, kiwi, cabbage, eggplant, melon, watermelon, grapefruit.

American toxicologists to offer food choices guided by a simple rule: choose for your table those who have a thick crust. The thinner it is - the more permeable to chemical toxins.
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