The anti-inflammatory diet - what to eat?
When we think of inflammation on the body surface, we mean redness and irritation of the skin, swelling, burning and heat, but what do we know about the internal inflammation?
Chronic inflammation - a way your body to show that it can be cured. This is a natural process of switching your immune system for more power directly to the source of the problem - if you need to heal the wound, protect us from infection or heal a broken bone.
But sometimes our body is going through chronic inflammation, with no apparent reason for it, and at this time it may become susceptible to diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. Here are the five main culprits of this:
Shortage or lack of exercise
Genetic predisposition
Toxins (e.g., second-hand tobacco smoke)
Do not worry, with the right strategy and plants you can cope with this problem. The anti-inflammatory diet is the perfect solution. Not only does this way of eating helps to eliminate chronic inflammation, it will also give you more energy, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, fiber and help you lose weight. Here's everything you need to know about the anti-inflammatory diet - let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.
What is the anti-inflammatory diet and how it works
Clinical nutritionists and experts on health say that all the health problems that end in "-um", including arthritis, colitis and dermatitis, have as their cause of inflammation, but many other diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, certain types of cancer and Alzheimer's disease are now also considered to have an inflammatory factor as one of the reasons.
This is where the anti-inflammatory diet can help. This philosophy is based on two principles - on the fat and sugar. Some fats are considered to cause inflammation, and some, on the contrary, anti-inflammatory. Fatty foods with "bad" fats can be harmful to our health, but "healthy" fats, such as an organic whole milk, butter, eggs and coconut oil are the few examples of fatty foods that can actually be useful for us.
What is sugar? The use of food and drinks high in sugar leads to the fact that in the body there is more sugar than we can burn, it gets into the bloodstream, which then leads us to the health problems (one of the symptoms - loss of strength after four o'clock in the afternoon). This in itself can cause inflammation. You may also feel tired and are not able to concentrate, become more prone to headaches and want even more sweet to repeat the destructive process. You need a new way of eating.
What are the benefits of this diet
In general, this diet aims to switch to high-quality products, besides having anti-inflammatory effect, and learn to make the right choice. Everything is so simple. Thus, the enjoyment of a healthy balanced diet, with the exception of a diet of processed foods and increasing the consumption of anti-inflammatory agents will improve your health and bring him to the optimum level. It is difficult to disagree.
Reduce your intake of processed and refined foods, and reducing the amount of saturated fat and sugar, you are more likely to increase your energy, your skin will become clearer, mood and concentration - better, but the extra weight is reduced. You can also reduce inflammation in the body and protect their health, not only now but in the future. Is not that a good enough reason to adopt this diet?
The anti-inflammatory diet: foods that you should eat
When it comes to diet, only eat the right foods and drinks can be tricky. But the anti-inflammatory diet is very flexible. Here are the basics that you need to keep in mind - this diet is not as daunting as it seems.
Omega-3. Everyone knows that the omega-3 fatty acids are essential for the protection of the brain, heart and skin, but did you know that omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory fats most of all? But, unfortunately, this is exactly what the modern diet is not enough. Therefore, it is time to change that.
You can get out of the omega-3 fatty fish, nuts, seeds (e.g., flax, chia and hemp) and some other plants. If you do not like fish, supplements are a good option. If you choose, do not forget the fish oil, which is purified from the pollution of the sea.
Consider the option of krill oil, which is easier to produce pure water than fish, and it is more easily absorbed by the body. If you vegetarian omega-3 vegetable additives are also available, for example, Udo's Choice Ultimate Oil Blend. For non-vegetarians recommend Vitabiotic's Ultra Krill Oil or rich in antioxidants Immunace Extra.
Oil. Choose the best quality cooking oils for cooking. Buy them in a glass container, rather than plastic (which may release chemicals that cause hormonal disorders), and keep the delicate, easily perishable anti-oil in the refrigerator. These oils include safflower, sesame, hemp and flax.
Also, be aware of such thing as a point of oil fuming. Cooking oils which have low fuming at a point higher temperatures are equally bad. Coconut oil, avocado oil, or even whole organic oil is best suited for the heat treatment. Use other oils, such as olive oil, as salad dressings, marinades and sauces.
Herbs and spices. Did you know that plant compounds in herbs and spices help to reduce inflammation and prevent further infection? They are not only good for the taste - it is almost the drug. Herbs and spices are potent anti-inflammatory drugs - chili, ginger, black pepper and anise should be on the table all the time, but nothing compares with turmeric, which can protect us from inflammatory reactions, is a spice that is to be number one in the list.
Carbohydrates. They must be from whole grains and slow release. Choosing foods such as wholemeal rye bread, brown rice and whole-wheat pasta and other less processed foods such as quinoa and buckwheat, will help you get the most out of your diet. They are crucial to avoid foods with a high degree of purification, such as white bread, pasta made with white flour and white rice.
Fruits and vegetables. Not surprisingly, fruits and vegetables are the foundation of our health. Antioxidants from fruits and vegetables are vital, because they not only help restore daily damage in the body, but they also protect fats from our diet, keeping them in a healthy way.
It is recommended to eat at least five servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit per day, including orange, red, purple and green leaf.
But do not worry - you do not have sharply break all their dietary habits. Try a daily basis and gradually incorporate these principles into your diet and do what works for you and your lifestyle. One of the easiest ways to start doing this - to exclude from the use of some products gradually.
What kind of products you should avoid
Not only have the right products, although it is a great start, and we should get rid of the wrong foods that are not going to benefit our health and can trigger inflammatory processes. There are three basic rules.
Avoid bad fats
Bad fats mean poor health. Before you reach for the cheese or yogurt, think about what kind of fats and sugars are part of them. With a high degree of processing? Does it supplements? As far as they are natural? Minimize the amount of saturated fat vysokozhirnyh cheeses, processed fat meat and fats (e.g., hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils).
Buy rural products, when possible
It refers to meat and dairy products from animals raised in vivo, but not in incubators and the like mills. Such products may be a bit expensive, but remember that you are spending money on their health. When selecting meat and dairy products, make sure that it is organic to avoid toxic chemicals, and not to worry about its quality. And do not forget to say goodbye to meat products and fried food. They are uniquely harmful.
Avoid refined foods
Stay away from foods high in sugar, including refined white version of starchy carbohydrates such as bread, pasta and rice. The higher content of carbohydrate in the product, the higher sugar level and the more likely the release of insulin, leading to inflammation in the body. Like whole grains and chew better.
What should you drink
Forget your diet Coke and a morning latte. Avoid carbonated beverages, coffee, black tea and alcohol - this will help avoid an increase in blood sugar levels, which can also cause disturbances in insulin levels.
Instead, go to the green tea or powder matcha on chamomile tea, as they help to fight inflammation in the body, and avoid sugary juices in favor of green vegetable juices of cabbage, spinach, cucumber, fennel, lemon, ginger and drink coconut milk.
You can even try to make their own cocktails and juices right at home. This is a great way to get a supply of nutrients with the lack of time. You can include them as much as possible anti-inflammatory fruit and vegetables.
Chronic inflammation - a way your body to show that it can be cured. This is a natural process of switching your immune system for more power directly to the source of the problem - if you need to heal the wound, protect us from infection or heal a broken bone.
But sometimes our body is going through chronic inflammation, with no apparent reason for it, and at this time it may become susceptible to diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. Here are the five main culprits of this:
Shortage or lack of exercise
Genetic predisposition
Toxins (e.g., second-hand tobacco smoke)
Do not worry, with the right strategy and plants you can cope with this problem. The anti-inflammatory diet is the perfect solution. Not only does this way of eating helps to eliminate chronic inflammation, it will also give you more energy, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, fiber and help you lose weight. Here's everything you need to know about the anti-inflammatory diet - let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.
What is the anti-inflammatory diet and how it works
Clinical nutritionists and experts on health say that all the health problems that end in "-um", including arthritis, colitis and dermatitis, have as their cause of inflammation, but many other diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, certain types of cancer and Alzheimer's disease are now also considered to have an inflammatory factor as one of the reasons.
This is where the anti-inflammatory diet can help. This philosophy is based on two principles - on the fat and sugar. Some fats are considered to cause inflammation, and some, on the contrary, anti-inflammatory. Fatty foods with "bad" fats can be harmful to our health, but "healthy" fats, such as an organic whole milk, butter, eggs and coconut oil are the few examples of fatty foods that can actually be useful for us.
What is sugar? The use of food and drinks high in sugar leads to the fact that in the body there is more sugar than we can burn, it gets into the bloodstream, which then leads us to the health problems (one of the symptoms - loss of strength after four o'clock in the afternoon). This in itself can cause inflammation. You may also feel tired and are not able to concentrate, become more prone to headaches and want even more sweet to repeat the destructive process. You need a new way of eating.
What are the benefits of this diet
In general, this diet aims to switch to high-quality products, besides having anti-inflammatory effect, and learn to make the right choice. Everything is so simple. Thus, the enjoyment of a healthy balanced diet, with the exception of a diet of processed foods and increasing the consumption of anti-inflammatory agents will improve your health and bring him to the optimum level. It is difficult to disagree.
Reduce your intake of processed and refined foods, and reducing the amount of saturated fat and sugar, you are more likely to increase your energy, your skin will become clearer, mood and concentration - better, but the extra weight is reduced. You can also reduce inflammation in the body and protect their health, not only now but in the future. Is not that a good enough reason to adopt this diet?
The anti-inflammatory diet: foods that you should eat
When it comes to diet, only eat the right foods and drinks can be tricky. But the anti-inflammatory diet is very flexible. Here are the basics that you need to keep in mind - this diet is not as daunting as it seems.
Omega-3. Everyone knows that the omega-3 fatty acids are essential for the protection of the brain, heart and skin, but did you know that omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory fats most of all? But, unfortunately, this is exactly what the modern diet is not enough. Therefore, it is time to change that.
You can get out of the omega-3 fatty fish, nuts, seeds (e.g., flax, chia and hemp) and some other plants. If you do not like fish, supplements are a good option. If you choose, do not forget the fish oil, which is purified from the pollution of the sea.
Consider the option of krill oil, which is easier to produce pure water than fish, and it is more easily absorbed by the body. If you vegetarian omega-3 vegetable additives are also available, for example, Udo's Choice Ultimate Oil Blend. For non-vegetarians recommend Vitabiotic's Ultra Krill Oil or rich in antioxidants Immunace Extra.
Oil. Choose the best quality cooking oils for cooking. Buy them in a glass container, rather than plastic (which may release chemicals that cause hormonal disorders), and keep the delicate, easily perishable anti-oil in the refrigerator. These oils include safflower, sesame, hemp and flax.
Also, be aware of such thing as a point of oil fuming. Cooking oils which have low fuming at a point higher temperatures are equally bad. Coconut oil, avocado oil, or even whole organic oil is best suited for the heat treatment. Use other oils, such as olive oil, as salad dressings, marinades and sauces.
Herbs and spices. Did you know that plant compounds in herbs and spices help to reduce inflammation and prevent further infection? They are not only good for the taste - it is almost the drug. Herbs and spices are potent anti-inflammatory drugs - chili, ginger, black pepper and anise should be on the table all the time, but nothing compares with turmeric, which can protect us from inflammatory reactions, is a spice that is to be number one in the list.
Carbohydrates. They must be from whole grains and slow release. Choosing foods such as wholemeal rye bread, brown rice and whole-wheat pasta and other less processed foods such as quinoa and buckwheat, will help you get the most out of your diet. They are crucial to avoid foods with a high degree of purification, such as white bread, pasta made with white flour and white rice.
Fruits and vegetables. Not surprisingly, fruits and vegetables are the foundation of our health. Antioxidants from fruits and vegetables are vital, because they not only help restore daily damage in the body, but they also protect fats from our diet, keeping them in a healthy way.
It is recommended to eat at least five servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit per day, including orange, red, purple and green leaf.
But do not worry - you do not have sharply break all their dietary habits. Try a daily basis and gradually incorporate these principles into your diet and do what works for you and your lifestyle. One of the easiest ways to start doing this - to exclude from the use of some products gradually.
What kind of products you should avoid
Not only have the right products, although it is a great start, and we should get rid of the wrong foods that are not going to benefit our health and can trigger inflammatory processes. There are three basic rules.
Avoid bad fats
Bad fats mean poor health. Before you reach for the cheese or yogurt, think about what kind of fats and sugars are part of them. With a high degree of processing? Does it supplements? As far as they are natural? Minimize the amount of saturated fat vysokozhirnyh cheeses, processed fat meat and fats (e.g., hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils).
Buy rural products, when possible
It refers to meat and dairy products from animals raised in vivo, but not in incubators and the like mills. Such products may be a bit expensive, but remember that you are spending money on their health. When selecting meat and dairy products, make sure that it is organic to avoid toxic chemicals, and not to worry about its quality. And do not forget to say goodbye to meat products and fried food. They are uniquely harmful.
Avoid refined foods
Stay away from foods high in sugar, including refined white version of starchy carbohydrates such as bread, pasta and rice. The higher content of carbohydrate in the product, the higher sugar level and the more likely the release of insulin, leading to inflammation in the body. Like whole grains and chew better.
What should you drink
Forget your diet Coke and a morning latte. Avoid carbonated beverages, coffee, black tea and alcohol - this will help avoid an increase in blood sugar levels, which can also cause disturbances in insulin levels.
Instead, go to the green tea or powder matcha on chamomile tea, as they help to fight inflammation in the body, and avoid sugary juices in favor of green vegetable juices of cabbage, spinach, cucumber, fennel, lemon, ginger and drink coconut milk.
You can even try to make their own cocktails and juices right at home. This is a great way to get a supply of nutrients with the lack of time. You can include them as much as possible anti-inflammatory fruit and vegetables.