Products to prevent the aggravation of a stomach ulcer
Honey is considered by many experts to be the most useful product that you want to use in all patients with peptic ulcer. The fact that honey possesses strong antibacterial properties. Regular use of honey helps to cope with the bacterium Helicobacter Pilori, which causes the development of gastric ulcers. No wonder since ancient times honey is used in folk medicine for the treatment of burns and even open wounds. The effectiveness of honey in peptic ulcer disease has been proven by researchers from New Zealand in 2002, in the course of the experiment with a group of volunteers of 405 persons.
Honey at a stomach ulcer
Honey should be consumed in the morning and at night on a tablespoon. In the morning immediately after waking up, on an empty stomach and at night right before bedtime. With the help of the honey you can get rid of the bacteria Helicobacter Pilori within two months.
The cabbage contains large amounts of vitamin U (S-methylmethionine). This vitamin is an active glutamine absorption in the gastric mucosa, with which strengthens the gastric mucosa, are erosion is accelerated healing of ulcerative lesions of the stomach.
Cabbage with a stomach ulcer
Cabbage should be consumed every day fresh. You can add the cabbage to salads, you can also drink fresh cabbage juice. Minimum recommended length of use of cabbage - three weeks.
Cauliflower contains sulforaphane. With the help of sulforaphane, you can completely get rid of the bacteria Helicobacter Pilori in the stomach. US scientists have proved that eating cauliflower for one month completely destroys the entire population of bacteria Helicobacter Pilori.
Cauliflower with gastric ulcer
Eat cauliflower must be fresh for one month.
Natural yogurt contains large amounts of probiotics and the so-called "good" bacteria, which can suppress an increase in population of Helicobacter Pilori bacteria in the stomach. The effectiveness of yogurt in the prevention and treatment of gastric ulcers has been proven by British doctors in 2008. Remember that we are talking about yogurt. Manufacturers of yogurt, that actively advertise their products, in fact mislead consumers, since no probiotics and beneficial bacteria in their products there. Useful only natural yogurt, whose shelf life of no more than seven days. Other dairy products, which can be stored for more than seven days, any useful properties do not possess.
Kefir gastric ulcer
Every day you need to drink 2-3 cups of yogurt.
Pears are particularly useful as in the treatment of ulcers, and for its prevention. Pears contain flavonoids and antioxidants, which inhibit the growth of bacteria Helicobacter Pilori. In addition, pears contain a large number of fibers that have a positive effect on the gastric mucosa.
Pears gastric ulcer
The day is recommended to eat a pear.
Honey is considered by many experts to be the most useful product that you want to use in all patients with peptic ulcer. The fact that honey possesses strong antibacterial properties. Regular use of honey helps to cope with the bacterium Helicobacter Pilori, which causes the development of gastric ulcers. No wonder since ancient times honey is used in folk medicine for the treatment of burns and even open wounds. The effectiveness of honey in peptic ulcer disease has been proven by researchers from New Zealand in 2002, in the course of the experiment with a group of volunteers of 405 persons.
Honey at a stomach ulcer
Honey should be consumed in the morning and at night on a tablespoon. In the morning immediately after waking up, on an empty stomach and at night right before bedtime. With the help of the honey you can get rid of the bacteria Helicobacter Pilori within two months.
The cabbage contains large amounts of vitamin U (S-methylmethionine). This vitamin is an active glutamine absorption in the gastric mucosa, with which strengthens the gastric mucosa, are erosion is accelerated healing of ulcerative lesions of the stomach.
Cabbage with a stomach ulcer
Cabbage should be consumed every day fresh. You can add the cabbage to salads, you can also drink fresh cabbage juice. Minimum recommended length of use of cabbage - three weeks.
Cauliflower contains sulforaphane. With the help of sulforaphane, you can completely get rid of the bacteria Helicobacter Pilori in the stomach. US scientists have proved that eating cauliflower for one month completely destroys the entire population of bacteria Helicobacter Pilori.
Cauliflower with gastric ulcer
Eat cauliflower must be fresh for one month.
Natural yogurt contains large amounts of probiotics and the so-called "good" bacteria, which can suppress an increase in population of Helicobacter Pilori bacteria in the stomach. The effectiveness of yogurt in the prevention and treatment of gastric ulcers has been proven by British doctors in 2008. Remember that we are talking about yogurt. Manufacturers of yogurt, that actively advertise their products, in fact mislead consumers, since no probiotics and beneficial bacteria in their products there. Useful only natural yogurt, whose shelf life of no more than seven days. Other dairy products, which can be stored for more than seven days, any useful properties do not possess.
Kefir gastric ulcer
Every day you need to drink 2-3 cups of yogurt.
Pears are particularly useful as in the treatment of ulcers, and for its prevention. Pears contain flavonoids and antioxidants, which inhibit the growth of bacteria Helicobacter Pilori. In addition, pears contain a large number of fibers that have a positive effect on the gastric mucosa.
Pears gastric ulcer
The day is recommended to eat a pear.