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» » Antioxidant Diet - useful properties and rules

Antioxidant Diet - useful properties and rules

What are antioxidants and how they work
Antioxidants are substances that inhibit the oxidation processes of cells, caused by a large number of free radicals in the body. Oxidation - is synonymous with aging skin, hair, internal organs, all tissues that make up the body, so it is important to monitor the chemical reaction. And to make it possible only by normalization of antioxidants in the body.
The term "antioxidant" is hiding a lot of famous vitamins. In particular it is a tocopherol, a number of B vitamins, of vitamin C, beta-carotene and lycopene. Potent, invigorating antioxidants are classified as polyphenols - tannins it, flavins, flavonoids, anthocyanins. Most often they are found in custard drinks and freshly squeezed juices.
All work on the principle antioxidants can be divided into two main groups: hydrophilic and lipophilic. The first - forming protective properties of liquids, including blood plasma. Second - responsible for the stability of dense tissue, the first of which are the cell membranes.
The principle of action of antioxidants, even if their small blood, is a significant deceleration in the activity of free radicals, which in turn causes a chain reaction in the destruction of healthy cells. It is because of a lack of antioxidants problems such as:
deterioration of skin color;
the occurrence of skin problems and diseases;
rapid aging of the skin;
the deterioration of the state of hair and nails;
exacerbation of chronic diseases;
of allergic reactions;
deterioration in general well-being, decreased immunity and a number of other symptoms.

Antioxidant Diet - useful properties and rules

Foods rich in antioxidants
Create a complete antioxidant menu from the usual products for you. It is not necessary to run to the shops in search of something exotic - enough to study the properties of readily available fruit and vegetables. Mainly should pay attention to seasonal gifts farms, as well as the fruits of their own labors, gathered on the plot.
Among the drinks the first place on the content of antioxidants takes green organic coffee. The second place, on the right, takes his brother - black classic. It is best to purchase grain and grind them yourself - this will help keep the product in a maximum of useful substances. Not far behind coffee and green tea. Least of all antioxidants found in black. However, if you add the lemon juice, broth thyme, chamomile, mint, rose, beverage value increase substantially.
A large number of antioxidants found in fresh juices. Particular attention should be paid to the carrot, pumpkin juice, cucumber, watermelon, sea buckthorn, raspberry, cherry, aronia, Rowan, viburnum, blackberry, pomegranate, and others. Juices with bright red, purple, blue saturated color.

Antioxidant Diet - useful properties and rules

Of fruit in the number of antioxidants in the lead: watermelons, mangoes, blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, sea buckthorn, cranberry, black and red mountain ash, viburnum, rose, grape, currant. Will help to enrich the diet with useful substances celery, parsley, spinach, onions, garlic, radishes, turnips, tomatoes.
Add lipophilic antioxidants help nuts. A significant contribution to your health do legumes and cereals rich in B vitamins are especially valuable in this matter and fresh green beans, small and large.
Antioxidant Diet and its benefits
The use of antioxidant diet is to complete the transformation of the body! Already during the first week you will notice a significant improvement in their own conditions, including digestive processes can establish and speed up metabolism. This will help to lose weight. In the case of severe physical stress, antioxidant diet will help more quickly bring the body of accumulated toxins, reduce the amount of lactic acid in the tissues, and thus reduce the pain in muscles after workouts.
Normalization of power in favor of optimum use of antioxidants will help to improve the processes of regeneration and build muscle faster relief, to cope with body fat between the fibers, using them as food for the new cells.
Restores a lack of antioxidants helps to maintain the functionality of the ligaments and joints, their elasticity, which ensures ease and wide range of motion. When these substances are normal in terms of content, you will quickly develop physical and uncomplicated transferability bone injuries, dislocations of joints.
Antioxidant diet helps to strengthen immunity, improve the body's resistance, not only to seasonal illnesses, but also to the development of more serious and destructive diseases. Some of these are atherosclerosis, cancer and a variety of neurological disorders and others. And to increase mental activity, improve the activity of the central nervous system, ie the brain. This is immediately reflected on the memory, reaction, concentration, efficiency.
Adequate antioxidant diet can cope with sleepiness, fatigue, irritability, mood and increase vitality. It is useful to carry out such diets during PMS or as a preventative measure against depression.

Antioxidant Diet - useful properties and rules

For the exterior of the antioxidant diet also carries quite concrete benefits: improved processes of tissue regeneration, the birth of new cells and eliminating toxins that contribute to improving the quality of the skin. This factor is the basis for smoothing wrinkles, increase skin elasticity, restore attractive complexion. Along with the appearance, transforming and inner health, reducing the biological age of your body.
Rules antioxidant diet
1. More fluid! Due to the special properties of antioxidants, they have learned more quickly and efficiently in a liquid form. Moreover, this drink does not trigger the accumulation of excess moisture in the tissues, and, on the contrary, will help to bring it to accelerate the process of weight loss and normalization of metabolism and lymphatic flow. Of course, on the water and do not forget.
2. For breakfast, prefer sweet fruits and foods with whole grains. If in the first half of the day is supposed to serious training, the first meal can be complemented with a piece of baked fish or a bowl of low-fat, on the contrary, fat cottage cheese. Important! In obesity, the fat content of any product should be reduced as much as possible - the curd must be fatter 2%.
3. For lunch eat beans, fresh salad, whole wheat bread, apples. Use celery, beets, broccoli - with negative calorie vegetables. Salad dressed with olive, flaxseed, amaranth oil.
4. Dinner should be as light as possible - let your body to work on the bugs! It is impossible at this time to eat fruit, eat salt should be minimal. It is best to use low-fat protein meal (chicken, boiled egg) and a salad with lots of greens without dressing and bread.
Remember that of juice products with a high content of antioxidants actively affect the oral mucosa, esophagus, stomach and intestines.
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