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British diet

British diet

Diet is ideal for those who are so afraid of the night invasions in the refrigerator, do not like or are not accustomed to breakfast, he spends all day at work.

 British diet lasts 21 days. The first two days - the days are very restricted diet, a kind of "hungry days." After them follows the alternation of the two vegetables and two protein days. Loss kilograms at the end of the English diet will be, as promised, 10-12 kilograms. Out of the diet recommended to make smooth, to this end, after a 21-day course, one must add the milk a day, then gradually introduce the foods in the daily diet.


 One of the strengths of the English diet is the ability to alternate protein and vegetable days. With this method the body receives the vitamins, minerals and fibers from vegetables, maintaining the bowels.

 On the other hand, animal protein does not break down muscle while dieting. Variety of menu - also a plus diet. Vegetables, meat, dairy products, bread, even in small amounts - it is the foundation that nebhodimo for the proper functioning of the body.

 In addition, despite the fact that banned sweets, losing weight is allowed to eat a spoon of honey. The duration of the diet - 21 days - is optimal in order to have time to get used to the new diet, and as a result, reduces the likelihood of disturbances or disruptions during and after the diet.

 Structured diet, there are clear boundaries and guidelines make life easier for dieters who do not have to think about the menu, and should only adhere to strict rules.

 Diet is ideal for those who are so afraid of the night invasions in the refrigerator, do not like or are not accustomed to breakfast, he spends all day at work. In short, such an unusual diet actually turns out to be very convenient for the majority of people in our country.

 Disadvantages and contraindications

 The main disadvantage of the diet, which literally catches the eye - an extremely low calorie menu. While nutritionists recommend eating at least 1500 calories a day, a set of products for each day of the English diet contains no more than 800-1000 kcal. Such an obvious shortage of calories is fraught with reduction in metabolism. And if during the weight loss diet is still possible, you should only return to a more usual diet, lost weight as a very likely will again.

 British diet is not recommended for persons with impaired kidney function. Consulting a nutritionist before starting a diet is required.

British diet

What foods are allowed?

 Depending on the day - vegetable protein, or - the list of authorized products varies.

 So, for the vegetable of the day is: apples, oranges, vegetables (except potatoes), brown bread, honey, tea.

 In protein day allowed: coffee, milk, brown bread, butter, honey, meat or fish broth, boiled meat, fish, peas, lean ham, eggs, yogurt.

 In the first two hungry days allowed milk, tomato juice, black bread.

 From drinks is better to prefer non-carbonated mineral water, green tea, black coffee (in those cases where it is allowed), a decoction of herbs.

 Which products are prohibited?

 All products, except as permitted, prohibited. This is especially true of alcoholic and carbonated beverages, sugar, sweets, cakes, flour-based dishes, potatoes.

British diet


The following menu will be presented for each unit of diet: fasting, vegetables and protein days.

The first and second day

 A liter of milk, a cup of unsalted tomato juice, 2 slices of black bread.

Protein days

 Breakfast: a cup of coffee with milk, a slice of black bread with a teaspoon of butter (optional) and a teaspoon of honey.

Lunch: dish of fish or meat broth, second course: fish or meat, steamed or boiled, two spoonfuls of peas (optional), a slice of black bread.

 Snack: a cup of tea with honey spoon.

Dinner: a piece of meat or fish, boiled or ham without fat or two boiled eggs, 50 grams of cheese, brown bread (one slice), a glass of kefir.

British diet

Vegetable days

 Breakfast: 2 apples or 2 oranges.

 Lunch: Vegetable soup with a slice of black bread, salad or salad without potatoes.

 Mid-morning snack: 2 apples or 2 oranges.

 Dinner: vegetable salad with a slice of black bread, a cup of tea with honey (optional).

Useful tips:

  Tip 1:

  The more closely adhere to these recommendations in the article, the higher the loss of kilos in total. It is therefore important not to invent new dishes, not to replace the products offered on the possible analogues, and diet in the form in which it is given.

  Tip 2:

Do not underestimate the need to respect the water regime, especially protein days. It was in the days of the protein the body spends more water, so that there was no dehydration, it is important to time and in the proper amount to replenish its reserves.
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