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» » Products which are useful at high pressure: 10 best

Products which are useful at high pressure: 10 best

Products which are useful in high pressure?

Products which are useful at high pressure: 10 best

Red bell pepper. Vitamin C makes the vessel walls stronger, improves circulation. Just two peppers make up the daily norm of vitamin C. However, pepper is better to eat fresh, as when processing it loses its medicinal properties.

Products which are useful at high pressure: 10 best

Salmon. Oily fish contains essential fatty acids, vitamin D. Also, it normalizes blood pressure and improves circulation. The fish should be consumed two or three times a week. Also, in order to obtain from it the maximum amount of nutrients, not salt dish before use.

Skim cheese. This product, like all milk, rich in calcium and vitamin D. There is a suggestion that calcium is only useful for bone, but it was his lack of a cause of hypertension. So do not exclude from its cheese auction.

Products which are useful at high pressure: 10 best

Oatmeal. Good old-fashioned oatmeal and will help you in this matter. Its value in the tissue, so choosing oatmeal, preference is given to the one which includes more and bran. This is a good remedy for the treatment of high blood pressure.

Quinoa. This cereal is high in protein, magnesium, potassium. It has a nutty flavor. This is one of the most effective products for hypertension.

Products which are useful at high pressure: 10 best

Garlic. The benefit of this product is difficult to overestimate. Garlic - indispensable cure for all ills. No exception, and high blood pressure. It dilates blood vessels and improves the production of nitric oxide. Recommended 2-3 cloves daily.

Bananas. They are a great source of potassium, which positively affects the blood vessels. If it lacks the body, the first to suffer heart which can slow their work. You can add bananas to porridge - and tasty, and useful.

Products which are useful at high pressure: 10 best

Beet. It is also included in the list of foods that lower blood pressure. Good acts juice from beet. It helps to prevent strokes and heart attacks, and dilates blood vessels.

Spinach. It is a source of dietary fiber, vitamin A, C and calcium. Do not forget to add the spinach in salads and other dishes to take care of your elevated pressure.

Products which are useful at high pressure: 10 best

Tomatoes. They contain lycopene, antioxidants. The greatest effect on your health, you can get if you eat tomatoes after heat treatment.

Also, do not forget to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day and listen to your body.
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