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» » Nutrition to strengthen the nervous system

Nutrition to strengthen the nervous system


Fiber removes toxins that beneficial effect on nerve cells. It is found in whole grains, cereals, meal, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Phosphorus supports the nervous system, reduces muscle tension. They are rich in legumes, cereals, liver, tongue, brains and dairy purged.

Iron is essential for the vitality and mental clarity. Contained in beef, liver, seafood, buckwheat, artichokes, melons, turnips, cabbage, spinach. Iron is better absorbed with foods rich in vitamin C.

Calcium - the main mineral adjusting agent in the nerves and muscles of the processes of excitation transfer. When calcium deficiency growing tension and irritability, convulsions may occur. Calcium rich in beans, cabbage, beets, watercress, milk products, almonds.

Magnesium is involved in the transmission and reception of nerve impulses, performs braking processes in the muscles that provide general relaxation, normalization of heart rate and pressure, the correct functioning of the heart. This mineral is essential for the synthesis of brain neuropeptides.

Lack of magnesium leads to an increased excitability. Main sources: cereals (millet, buckwheat, oat, barley), legumes (lentils, especially), mineral water, nuts, peas, wheat germ, bran, egg yolk.

Potassium is necessary for the interaction of nerves and muscles, provides a balance between water and electrolyte metabolism, normal heart function. They are rich in legumes, vegetables, fruits, wheat.

Iodine provides for normal functioning of the thyroid gland, restores the overall hormonal balance, which in turn regulates the body metabolic processes. Iodine improves brain activity, sharpens memory. Iodine-rich sea fish, especially hake, oysters, shrimp, seaweed.

Doctors recommend the use instead of salt, dry sea cabbage, chop it in a coffee grinder, it will enrich food with iodine.

B vitamins (B12, B6, B2, B1), together with vitamin C, essential for protein metabolism as a battery for electronic clocks. They increase our resistance to psycho-emotional overload, contribute to the removal of nervous tension and normalize metabolism.

Not long ago, food products provided with a sufficient amount of vitamins in this group. However, the food has undergone a change: white bread, pasta, prepared foods, sweets and fast foods ousted black bread, cereals, vegetables and fruits.

Such food rich in carbohydrates to digest that our body uses the already small stocks of vitamins of group B. In addition, vitamins B6 and B1 will be spent in people smokers and those who abuse alcohol.

Vitamin B1, or thiamine is of particular importance for the central nervous system. It helps to cope with emotional stress, muscle aches and cramps. His lot in lean pork, liver, kidneys, in buckwheat, oatmeal, rye bread in.

Vitamin B2, or riboflavin, is indispensable for mental stress. Its shortage leads to headaches, insomnia, mood deterioration, general weakness. Especially a lot of it in the milk, brewer's yeast, legumes, liver, spinach, dark green leafy vegetables, apricots.

Vitamin B6 is essential for normal functioning of the CNS, a good memory for the brain health. With its lack person slowly understands his mood is unstable, it is prone to depression and stress. Contained B6 in eggs, liver, meat, legumes, nuts, fish, rye bread, bananas, brown rice, beer, pistachios, prunes, sunflower seeds, wheat grain (untreated), brewer's yeast.

Vitamin B12 is responsible for the formation of the myelin sheath that covers the nerves, normalizes blood pressure, helps to adapt to changes in the waking and sleep mode. Long term deficiency of this vitamin results in the destruction of the nervous system. B12 is found in animal products (liver, kidney, poultry, beef heart, egg yolk), in seafood in soy.

Vitamin E neutralizes the effects of stress, soothes and supports the nervous system. They are rich in almonds and hazelnuts, canned spinach, beans, fried eggs, sprouted wheat and others.

Vitamin A (beta-carotene) protects nerve cells from damage of free radicals, relieves stress, normalizes sleep. Sources: legumes, nuts, vegetable oils, fruits and vegetables, green leafy vegetables, carrots, pumpkin, cod liver oil.

Vitamin C is responsible for the production of anti-stress hormones, the body's defenses against toxins produced during metabolism. Especially a lot of vitamin C in citrus fruits, red peppers, in strawberries, in rose hips, black currants.

Glucose is an energy source for the cells of the brain and nerves. Glucose is supplied from the blood. If your blood sugar is contained less than normal, nerve cells, hunger, increase in volume. In the cell membrane there are infringements, stretched myelin layer that covers the nerve fibers and we feel nervous.

Each person has left a certain rate of glucose stored as glycogen in the blood, liver and muscle. And men - is 400g, and for women - 300 women are wasting their stock and get tired faster than men, become nervous, irritable and aggressive.

To maintain the concentration of blood sugar at the proper level, it should take in food "slow" carbohydrates. They are in the process of digestion produce glucose evenly, eliminating abrupt changes in blood sugar, which is very dangerous for health.

glucose sources: unrefined grain grains, fruits, salads, vegetables, potatoes, grapes, cherries, cherry, raspberry, honey, raisins.

Lecithin supports cholesterol in a soluble state required for nerve cell membranes. Liquid cholesterol is easily digested and not be postponed on the walls of blood vessels. Lecithin rejuvenates the membranes of nerve cells contain the desired fatty acids and phospholipids.

Contains lecithin in egg yolk, liver, sunflower seeds, germinated wheat grains, citrus.

Nuts - a pledge of strong nerves and healthy sleep.

Walnut is rich in fatty acids, which makes it indispensable in the prevention of atherosclerosis. By lowering cholesterol, it favors improved circulation.

Peanuts contain vitamin K, facilitate the exchange processes in the bone tissue, increases its density. Peanuts also contain tryptophan, which provides a healthy sleep.

Hazelnuts and cashews are rich in magnesium, copper and zinc, which activate the immune system, soothe and strengthen the nerves.

Pistachios are superior to their counterparts on the content of potassium.

Nuts are rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. Molybdenum, iodine, sulfur, selenium increase our immunity to radiation, ensure the correct functioning thymus, thyroid and gonads. Copper and iron are responsible for the formation of red blood cells.

All kinds of nuts inherent one thing in common: they contain lecithin, essential for maintaining an active brain activity and nerve cell nutrition.

Amino acids

Nerve cells are composed of proteins. The process of memory and brain activity is determined by the presence of hormones, also consist of proteins. And the protein helps to absorb the energy of the brain cells. It is logical that depression and fatigue can be the result of a lack of amino acids that are the building blocks of proteins.

Particularly important glutamic acid, tryptophan, glycine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, methionine. They contribute to the calming, improved metabolism, emotional state, and normalize sleep and increase efficiency.

Glutamic acid, along with glycine is a neurotransmitter: normalizes metabolism in nerve cells, strengthens the walls of cerebral blood vessels and nerve fibers.

Tryptophan is essential for the synthesis of serotonin - the "hormone of joy", normalizes activity of the nervous system and is a natural anti-depressant. Tryptophan calms the nervous system, improves mood, improves sleep.

Glycine - a key component of cell membranes and nerve fibers of the brain. Glycine improves nutrition and normalizes metabolism, strengthens the walls of blood vessels in these cellular structures. Its deficit increases blood pressure, emotional stress, aggression, reduces efficiency, disrupts sleep.

Sources: meat, brown rice, peanuts, fish (especially oily: trout, salmon, salmon, herring), potatoes, milk, yeast and soy products, avocados, almonds, dairy products, bananas, sesame and pumpkin seeds, unrefined oils (linseed , sunflower, olive, pumpkin seed), eggs (especially egg yolk), seafood, vegetables, fruits.


There are a number of products, from the use of which is at an elevated nervousness refrain:

Salty foods (pickles, meats, marinades, fast food, canned food).
Caffeinated beverages (tea, coffee, energy, Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, especially at night).
Spicy dishes and condiments.
Peeled rice, pasta, sugar, any sweets, beverages, white bread, prepared foods, fried potatoes.


- All these products contribute to the enhanced development of adrenaline, which level of nervous tension, and so high that it raises blood pressure and damages the nervous system.
- These foods and instant meals containing carbohydrates. Trillions of molecules of glucose are received into blood instantaneously, which dramatically increases the level of sugar and provides a quick but short-term feeding nerve cells and brain.

Under the influence of insulin, a hormone the pancreas, blood sugar plummets, we feel the nervousness and irritability. Such jumps sugar levels are very harmful to the nervous system, the brain and pancreas. Therefore, food should eat complex carbohydrates: bread with bran, salads, vegetables, potatoes.

Nutrition to strengthen the nervous system

To 2 weeks to help your nerves to become healthy and strong:

Categorically reject the above products, by any food exposed to prolonged storage, handling, transport. Such food is too poor in nutrients.

Include in the diet of nuts, egg yolks, green vegetables, bread grain crude, dairy products, meat, fish, poultry, fresh vegetables.

Experts recommend not to overeat, and eat five times a day, little by little, to stock up in the cells of the brain and nerves more protein material.

The morning begins with a high-protein, and therefore phenylalanine and tyrosine, food: cold chop, lean ham, roast beef, cottage cheese. It is best to combine this dish with fresh lemon juice, orange contains enough vitamin C.

A second breakfast or snack can consist of cheese curds, chicken salad, fresh fruit, nuts.

Lunch should include dark green vegetables or salad. For example, a steak or piece of fish with broccoli or spinach.

In the evening, we abstain from carbohydrates, preferring the turkey with a large portion of raw vegetables.

If stress - your constant companion, increase the intake of vitamin C. You can take additional ascorbic acid.

Perhaps, such a diet may seem difficult for the nerves, but these substances are essential to our "factory of happiness."

The mood in two weeks will begin to noticeably change for the better. A month later - half can go to nutritious food by controlling the additional intake of vitamin B6 (brewer's yeast), C (askorbinka), magnesium and manganese.

Magnesium is part of chlorophyll (green pigment), and is contained in high concentrations in green vegetables. Manganese rich bread grains (unrefined), nuts, green vegetables and egg yolk.
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