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» » Adnexitis



Generally, inflammation starts with the fallopian tubes. In this case we speak of course of acute salpingitis. Infection can penetrate into the fallopian tubes as the uplink (from the genital tract) and downward (through the bloodstream) by. The reason may be a variety of bacteria Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, esherehii. Salpingitis is a common complication of diseases, sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, chlamydia, and others.). Risk factors are also salpingitis abortion, endoscopic examination of the uterus, the installation of an intrauterine device, diagnostic uterine curettage. With all of these manipulations is likely penetration of bacteria through the damaged lining of the uterus. The process can be either one-way or two-way (with gonococcal salpingitis).

First inflamed mucosa of the fallopian tube. Over time, the process involved in all of its wall and accumulates in the lumen of serous fluid and sometimes pus. Most often, the infection spreads from the fallopian tube to the ovary. Combined inflammation of the ovary (oophoritis) and fallopian tube is called salpingo.



Adnexitis begins acutely, with a temperature rise of up to 39єS, periodic sharp pain in the lower abdomen with the transition in the lumbar region and sacrum. Sometimes the symptoms resemble acute appendicitis. The menstrual cycle is disrupted, monthly become painful and longer are possible intermenstrual bleeding. Patients complain of pain during urination, as well as typical watery and sometimes purulent discharge (leucorrhoea). Abdominal pain also occur during intercourse and persist for some time after.

Without treatment adnexitis may become chronic. In this case the symptoms become less severe, persistent pain, aching. When colds, stress, possible exacerbation of chronic adnexitis.

Inflammation of the appendages is fraught with complications. In acute adnexitis inflammation of the peritoneum can go on with the development of peritonitis, which requires immediate surgical treatment. Long-term effects is the first of all adhesions in the fallopian tubes, which in turn increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy and infertility. Sometimes infertility can be the only sign of allowing suspected chronic adnexitis.

What can a doctor

After a gynecological examination must be conducted a study of vaginal smears on flora. In rare cases, a diagnostic laparoscopy. adnexitis Treatment is based mainly on antibiotic therapy. Most often prescribe antibiotics from the group of penicillins or cephalosporins. The course of treatment lasts for approximately 10-14 days after the symptoms disappear. Depending on the severity of the condition your doctor may also prescribe pain relievers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and after decrease in symptoms - physical therapy.

What you can do

When the first symptoms adneksita consult a doctor immediately. Self-medication can only aggravate the picture of the disease. Prevention adneksita includes, above all, personal hygiene, prompt treatment of sexually transmitted infections, abortion prevention, protective mode after gynecological operations. Try to avoid hypothermia, excessive stress and strengthen the immune system.
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