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» » Cardiac Asthma - Symptoms and Treatment

Cardiac Asthma - Symptoms and Treatment


It begins an attack, usually with a dry cough. Face pale, acquires a cyanotic shade, serves cold sweat. Often such attacks cause patients fear death. The worst attack of cardiac asthma causes pulmonary edema. A characteristic feature of this disease is that the attack occurs at night. Also, the disease can provoke physical stress.

Cardiac asthma treatment

The main objectives of cardiac asthma therapy are normalization of the functioning of the respiratory center (decrease of excitability), as well as reducing the load on the pulmonary circulation. During the implementation of all the manipulations patient must be in a semi-sitting position.

Relief of attacks carried out by intravenous administration of digoxin or strofantinom. Eufillin has activity when combined asthma: bronchial and heart.

To facilitate the flow of attack required sublingual nitroglycerin (to 3 tablets or 6 drops). The drug may be carried out every 5-10 minutes.

If the attack is accompanied by intense pain and shortness of breath, expedient receiving narcotic analgesics (morphine) in combination with atropine sulfate; the development of tachycardia - a suprastin.

If respiratory depression, bronchoconstriction and development of cerebral edema using neyroleptanalgetiki - droperidol.

When cardiac asthma development requires normalization of blood pressure with the use of:

Antihypertensive drugs.
Diuretics (furosemide).
After the attack stoped further drug therapy is carried out taking into account the root causes of disease.

Cardiac Asthma - Symptoms and Treatment

Prevention folk remedies

Pour 2 cups of water 1 tablespoon of strawberry leaves. Cook until until the volume does not become a factor of 2 smaller. Take every 2 hours 1 tablespoon.

0.5 We need to take a tablespoon of young nettle leaves, 1 tablespoon of young leaves of reeds and leaves quinoa. Mix and crush the leaves to brew 1 cup of boiling water. Insist, pre-wrapped, for about 2 hours. Then add 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda, stir and push 10 days in a warm light place. Take 1 time a day for 30 minutes before a meal 1 teaspoon. Duration of treatment - 3-4 weeks.
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