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Living and dead water

With electric activator technique receive both water species. The alkaline fluid that collects around the negatively charged cathode, is "live". It is also called electrolysis cathode.

Dead water is concentrated near the positive anode. Hence its name, and the second - the anode. At acidic taste it, without any color.

Many believers know that the water has the power to Epiphany frosts. It's just "devitalization" water. If you type it in pond during the period from 12 until 3 am on January 19, then it is possible to treat many diseases.

Living well is the water that is necessary to type in the same period of time of day, but the night of July 7 ie on holiday Kupala. Its medicinal properties also considerable. Features a living remain the same, but the dead is changing.

Regarding the functional features it can be noted that the water of life greatly invigorates the body, giving it strength and energy, normalizes metabolism, improves the immune system and significantly increases the overall energy of the body.

Dead water acts as an antiseptic and sedative. It is well heals wounds, disinfects, calms nerves, removes dirt from the body and has the ability to slow the growth of cancer cells.

Now let's talk more about all the features and actions of these types of water.

Living and dead water

living water
Living Water is a fairly positive influence a person. It is, so to speak, fills his life, improves the general condition and health. In order to fully explore all the features of living water, it is necessary to list its characteristic qualities:

1) It has a rather high pH level. Because the living water, and alkaline.

2) It's kind of a natural biostimulator that boosts the immune system.

3) Improves metabolism, adjusts the digestive processes in the body, normalizes blood pressure, leads to normal tissue blood flow.

4) restores the bowel function, wherein the regenerating intestinal mucosa.

5) Living Water is the most powerful biostimulant.

6) Fights chronic inflammatory processes.

7) Live water can relieve irritation of the skin, as well as struggling with allergic rashes.

8) This kind of water helps the liver. It is also able to eliminate toxins and wastes.

9) It helps to heal wounds, ulcers, pressure sores, burns.

10) Good living water and cosmetic purposes. It significantly improves the appearance of facial skin, smoothes wrinkles and delays the appearance of new, and makes the skin soft, fresh and supple.

11) The use of the water of life helps to eliminate dandruff problem also makes the hair stronger and more dense.

12) Qualitatively saturates the body with oxygen, resulting in an improved work of all the tissues, muscles, nervous system and each organ.

13) can be output from the body and neutralize the effects of radiation.

Living water pretty well with anything quickly and easily removes from it. Therefore, it is good to cook in this water. It then turns out much tastier and healthier. Very useful as herbal teas, prepared on the living water.

The positive quality of it that can be used even in boiled form, which allows you to save as much of the useful qualities of a certain product.

Living and dead water

dead water

Now consider all the positive qualities of dead water. It can slow down the metabolism. Because of its use as an antiseptic. By quality it is similar to iodine or Zelenka. Only a gentle, a mild antiseptic.

1) It has a low pH level.

2) popular for its healing, antiseptic, dries, anti-allergic, anthelminthic properties.

3) Has the ability to eliminate blood stasis and lowering blood pressure.

4) Eliminates the effects of the presence of stones in the kidney, gall bladder and passages, facilitating their quick exit.

5) Good dead water with joint pain.

6) acts as a sedative and hypnotic as muscle relaxant, sleep catches up and makes the body feel weak.

7) It acts as a cleanser for the entire body, relieving it from dirt surplus.

8) promotes normalization of all glands, which only exist in the human body, and also regulates the digestive system.

9) In contrast to the living water, dead accelerates the spread of radiation processes. Because you have to be cautious in its use.

10) In order to use for cosmetic facial skin. Since the dead water perfectly removes stuffy epithelium.

Treatment of live and dead water

As with all the qualities of water as alive and dead, we understand, we can talk about all the illnesses that they can heal.

Аdenoma of prostate can be treated a variety of living water. Its worth Drinkers four times a day. The entire period of treatment consists of eight days.

Get rid of the allergy can also be tandem both types of water. Dead water needed to rinse the nasal passages and mouth. Then drink a little lively.

Living and dead water

You can also make lotions and washing the dead water of affected areas.

Fast cure a sore throat can be both those waters. To do this, gargle with at least four days. This should be done after a meal. After a couple of sips of the drink of living water.

When overt manifestations of herpes on the lips or the skin, it is necessary to drink dead water as a treatment cycle. This cycle consists of at least three days. Also because of her make lotions to the place of disease lesions, as well as washing.

To normalize the pressure to drink one of the varieties of water: hypertension - dead, hypotension - live.

If torturing pain in the joints, the daily three times a day is necessary to drink dead water. such a course of treatment is three days.

Bronchitis make inanimate rinse with water, and then Drinkers live. In more severe forms of the disease with dead water makes inhalation.

Get rid of the fungus help lotion with dead water. But before that it is necessary to wash the feet with soap. You should also disinfect the shoes of dead water.

When constipation do enema and Drinkers living water.

To get rid of a toothache help mouthwash dead water.

Conjunctivitis and other eye disorders should be treated as follows: first rinse with warm plain water, then dead, then make lotions from the living.

This list can be continued indefinitely, since both types of treatments will cure many diseases. The main thing is to apply it correctly, and even better to consult a doctor the day before.
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