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» » Cellulose against atherosclerosis: 15 useful recipes

Cellulose against atherosclerosis: 15 useful recipes

Foods rich in fiber - a great prevention of such terrible and widespread disease of our time, such as atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is associated with damage to the walls of arteries and gradual narrowing of the lumen. The disease leads to disruption of blood circulation, angina, heart attack, stroke.

Avoid arteriosclerosis and its consequences may be, if you include in your diet meals prepared according to the following recipes.

Recipe 1

100 g of steamed oat bran mixed with 100 g of chopped cooked artichoke and 50g of cooked okra. Eat at once. The course of treatment - 3 days.

Recipe 2

100 g of steamed buckwheat bran mixed with 100 g of roasted and chopped eggplant (with peel), add 100 g of chopped cabbage. Eat in two steps. The course of treatment - 7 days.

Recipe 3

200 g fresh zucchini grate, add 100 g chopped Chinese cabbage, 50 grams of sprouted chickpeas and 1 bunch coriander. Eat in three steps. The course of treatment - 14 days.

Recipe 4

Cooked sweet potato (with skin), broccoli, turnips and beets (100-150 g) cut into cubes, mix with chopped pods with green peas (50 g) and grated cauliflower (100 g). Eat 100 g of the mixture 3 times a day for 21 days. Added daily instead of green peas, kohlrabi and turnips new ingredients: fresh red cabbage, parsley and parsley root, green beans (parboiled), raw carrots and onions. After a two-week break, repeat the treatment.

Recipe 5

100 g of cooked oyster mushrooms mixed with 100 g of shredded red cabbage 2 chopped onions. Eat at once. Treatment is carried out 1 time in 2 weeks for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Recipe 6

300 g of cooked jacket potato cut into cubes with the skin, mix with 2 bundles of chopped parsley. Eat two to three portions. The course of treatment - 3 days. Make a break for 3 days, then add the parsley instead of coriander.

Recipe 7

200 g of carrots and 100 grams of black radish grate, mix with 100 g of steamed wheat bran. Eat 100 g of 2 times a day for 7 days. After a week's break to replace the turnip radishes and repeat the treatment.

Recipe 8

100 g carrots, 50 g of root and parsnip 200 g pumpkin grate, mix with 1 beam parsley and cilantro. Eats 50 g 4 times a day for 14 days. Make a break for a week and then repeat the treatment, replacing the root of parsnip parsley root and parsley - young green peas (50 g with pods).

Recipe 9

100 g of millet porridge mixed with 50 g of chopped hazelnuts and 200g chopped with peel apples. Eat in two steps. The course of treatment - 7 days. Make a break for a week, then replace millet porridge steamed oat bran.

Recipe 10

100 g of wheat cereal mixed with 100 g of grated pumpkin and 100 g of cooked sliced ??beets. Eat 100 g 3 times daily for 7 days. Then replace wheat porridge of maize, beet and instead add fresh carrots. Take the mixture for 3 days, a break for a week, during which time each day to eat 100 grams of tomatoes and 50 g of chokeberry. Then repeat the treatment, using as a basis a mixture of green germ buckwheat.

Recipe 11

100 g pulp of pineapple mixed with 150 g 50 g plums and blackcurrant. Eat in two steps. The course of treatment - 3 days. On the 4th day to replace the drain dates from the 8th - strawberry black currant. From the 11th to the 20th day - a break, during which daily have 100-200 grams of melon.

Recipe 12

200 g onions chop, mix with seeds of a pomegranate, add 1 bunch parsley. Eat in two steps. The course of treatment - 2 days.

Recipe 13

Lemon mince with the skin, add 50 g of chopped hazelnuts, figs 100 grams and 50 grams of dried apples. Eats 30 grams 3 times per day for 21 days. Make a break for a week and then repeat the treatment, having prepared the same mixture on the basis of feijoa and orange.

Recipe 14

100 g of germinated chickpea mixed with 100 g of colored beans boiled, and 50 g of corn grains breast. Eat in two steps. The course of treatment - 3 days.

Recipe 15

100 grams of prunes chop and mix with 200 g of mashed kiwi. Eat in three steps. The course of treatment - 3 days. Make a break for 3 days, then replace the kiwi blackberries or strawberries.
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