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» » Sour, salty, bitter, What tells taste in the mouth?

Sour, salty, bitter, What tells taste in the mouth?

Sour taste

 If sour aftertaste in the mouth is not caused by acidic food intake, causes of disturbances are more likely to serve as a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. The most common of them - gastritis with high acidity. The reason taste in the mouth, in this case - an excess of hydrochloric acid, accompanying disease. If the specified symptom combined with heartburn, the root cause may be reflux esophagitis - a disease associated with occasional reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus. Sometimes a sour taste, and nausea can be caused by overeating, accompanied by disorder of stool, vomiting and "rotten" belch. Bloated belching itself speaks about the problems with the pancreas.

 In addition to digestive disorders, a sour taste in the mouth caused by abnormalities of the oral cavity (periodontal disease, tooth decay), taking certain medications, and pregnancy - due to the increased load of the uterus on the digestive organs. If such a finish is accompanied by dry mouth, its possible cause may be dehydrated. If bitterness - it is possible to suspect a violation of biliary excretion system associated with excessive consumption of fatty and smoked foods.

 Bitter taste

 A common cause of the bitter taste in the mouth - the abuse of food, provoking an enhanced production of bile or biliary tract diseases. Usually it is interconnected, the excess salt, fried, pickled foods in the diet can not only lead to a bitter aftertaste, but also to violations of the liver and gallbladder: chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, biliary dyskinesia, which are accompanied by a regular bad breath.

 Bitter taste in the mouth is not always associated with disturbances in the body - sometimes it is a frequent consequence of antibiotics, anti-allergic drugs, and drinking large amounts of alcohol and smoking.

 Salty taste

 Salty aftertaste in the mouth - a rare phenomenon. The most common cause is considered to be a violation of fluid deficit, caused by excessive use of certain drugs, as well as tea, coffee, coca-cola - drinks, which dehydrate the body. To eliminate the symptom, to drink enough in the day for at least 7-9 glasses of clean drinking water and mix thoroughly brush your teeth.

 If the above measures do not help, you should take a closer look to the state of the mouth and throat - it is believed that the salty taste may be the result of inflammatory and fungal diseases of the nose, such as sinusitis. The symptom may indicate inflammation of the salivary glands caused by hitting the ducts streptococcal, pneumococcal, staphylococcal infection. To eliminate it is necessary to visit the dentist and get treatment.

 Sweet taste

 The sweet aftertaste in the mouth does not always speak of the pleasure - it can be an indication of severe pathologies of the organism. One such disease is diabetes associated with impaired insulin production by the pancreas, resulting sugar accumulates in lymph and saliva penetrates. To prevent possible complications of the disease, the appearance of resistant sweet taste in the mouth is necessary, without delay, refer to an endocrinologist and a blood test for sugar.

 Paradoxically, the sweet taste can also be a symptom of "savory" life saturated with emotional turmoil and stress. In this case, the sweet saliva is immediately after a release of adrenalin, which, in order to successfully overcome the stress causes an increase in blood glucose. It is also believed that the sweet aftertaste often accompanies smoking cessation.

 Poisoning by chemicals (phosgene, pesticides) - another good reason. Upon contact with the poison, which is accompanied by a sweet taste in the mouth, nausea, malaise urgently need to see a doctor.

Sour, salty, bitter, What tells taste in the mouth?

Metallic taste

 If said flavor is not associated with the presence of metal crowns in the mouth, it should pay attention to your body carefully. Did he experience vitamin deficiencies, does not suffer either from anemia? The most frequent pathologies associated with metallic aftertaste - a metabolic disorder and gastrointestinal tract (diabetes, gallbladder dysfunction, chronic cholecystitis), but in some cases, the symptom can be observed in dental diseases (periodontitis, gum disease and others).
 The most dangerous cause is poisoning with arsenic, mercury salts, copper, zinc, lead. If the person had contact with toxic substances and experiences metallic taste in the mouth, consult doctor should be immediate.
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