Scientists have named an important factor that can save them from premature death
The study involved more than 30,000 men and women aged 50-79 years. The participants were divided into groups according to the degree of physical activity.
It turned out that people who exercise regularly and spend a lot of time outdoors, is much healthier than their inactive peers.
Thus, over the study period (10 years) mortality among people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, was 5 times higher than that of people involved in sports!
At the same time, scientists say - positive health outcomes seen even among those people who are just a little increase their physical activity - for example, will take a walk at a moderate pace for an hour a day.
If health allows older people to perform physical exercise - it is desirable to do them every day, say the study authors.
It turned out that people who exercise regularly and spend a lot of time outdoors, is much healthier than their inactive peers.
Thus, over the study period (10 years) mortality among people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, was 5 times higher than that of people involved in sports!
At the same time, scientists say - positive health outcomes seen even among those people who are just a little increase their physical activity - for example, will take a walk at a moderate pace for an hour a day.
If health allows older people to perform physical exercise - it is desirable to do them every day, say the study authors.