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» » How to increase immunity to the child?

How to increase immunity to the child?

Signs of impaired immunity

 Any violation of the body, including the state of immunodeficiency that develops gradually, accompanied by characteristic symptoms, which can distinguish between any observant parent. These include:

 Fatigue, frequent headaches, pale, blue circles under the eyes;

Dull, posechennye hair, brittle nails;

 Sleep disorders (insomnia or drowsiness);

 Frequent colds and viral diseases (more than 5 times per year). At the same time during the illness of the child is rarely a fever;

 Painless swelling of the cervical and axillary lymph nodes;

Dysbiosis (violation of stool, bloating);

 Decreased appetite, body weight;

 Food allergies.

 If there is a child of one or more of these symptoms are advised to contact your pediatrician, because some of these may be signs of dangerous diseases (for example, blood diseases). If the diagnosis is confirmed, it should help the immune system means permitted by the doctor.

 Methods to improve the general immunity

 The immune system is complex and depends on many factors - the "building blocks". It is not enough to temper the child, failing to provide the body with all the necessary materials, or only high-grade feed, neglecting physical exercise. In strengthening the immune system are particularly important:

 Balanced diet. Along with the food the child should receive a number of vitamins and trace elements, corresponding to its age. The diet must be present fresh fruit, vegetables, juices, fish, dairy products;

 Adherence of the day. Being a child bed is recommended as early as 9 pm. Not recommended as too early and waking up later - the optimal time for a morning lift 7-8 o'clock in the morning. Children of preschool age shows naps;

 Elimination of foci of chronic infection (early treatment of carious teeth, sinusitis, tonsillitis and others.);

 Prevention and treatment of worm infestations;

 Eliminating dysbiosis. It is known that the intestine is part of the immune system palpable - about a million organisms immunocompetent lymphoid which imbalances in the intestinal environment condition not perform their functions.

 An effective means of strengthening the immune system is considered tempering - dousing with cold water, wiping towel, douche, walking barefoot, swimming pool. Pediatricians do not recommend starting the hardening on the heels of the disease, as well as in the cold season - it takes at least 2 months of regular procedures for the formation of immunity. Quenched actions should attend to before the period of autumn and winter colds: spring or summer, since pouring water at room temperature, light exercises, walking barefoot on the warm sand underfoot.


 Strengthen the immune system after a serious illness and surgery more quickly and efficiently allow drugs, immunomodulators. These include:

 Interferons (Viferon, Kipferon) that protect against viral infections;

 Amphetamine production of natural interferon in the body (Anaferon, Arbidol, TSikloferon);

 Bacterial agents made from neutralized pathogens (Likopid, Riomunil);

 The drugs of plant origin (Immunal).

 Pediatricians do not recommend starting hardening "on the heels" of the disease, as well as in the cold season - for the formation of immunity is required for at least 2 months of regular treatments.

 Any immunomodulator - it's "heavy artillery", the use of which should be done only in cases where vitamin therapy, hardening, physical activity and other methods to improve the general immunity failed. Take immunomodulators permitted only on doctor's advice; frequent or uncontrolled use of stimulants can cause the opposite effect - the depletion of the immune system. In addition, these drugs are not advised to be given to children under the age of 1.5 years.

Folk remedies and recommendations

 The basis of some immunomodulatory drugs are extracts from herbs, berries, fruits, and other gifts of nature. Some of them can be eaten without restriction (that vegetables, buckwheat, peas, garlic, wheat germ, walnuts), but most - medical courses (decoction of nettle, chamomile, rose, lemon balm, St. John's wort, hawthorn, echinacea).

An effective means to enhance immunity - a decoction of oats, it is recommended to drink the baby in a warm time of year for a month. Receiving funds can cause some loose stools, so the broth of the dose should be adjusted according to the individual response of the child to drink.

How to increase immunity to the child?

Experienced doctors recommend the use for immunity this recipe: lemon, walnuts and raisins in equal parts to grind, mix with honey and give the child three times a day to 2 teaspoons.

Help strengthen the body regular consumption of honey (the absence of allergic reactions), and the parsley leaves. Total 1 teaspoon chopped fresh plants provide most of the child's daily stock of necessary vitamins and minerals.

 The immune system of a child is finally formed to the period of puberty and up to this point his body is still weak and needs to be strengthened. However, to start it, in order to avoid damage with caution (especially practicing hardening, receiving immunomodulators and herbs), be sure to coordinate their actions with the pediatrician.
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