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» » Ayurvedic massage: 5 minutes just for yourself

Ayurvedic massage: 5 minutes just for yourself

Those who have tried Ayurvedic oil massage, first of all talk about his amazing relaxing effect and is therefore not recommended to do it in the morning and in the evening (otherwise you will remain in the blissful state of the entire working day). Over time, in addition to the balance of peace you will feel emotions and mind. With the help of massage Abhyanga we saturate the skin with herbal and essential oils that restore and maintain its protective function. Also under the skin lies a lot of superficial nerves communicating with all the organs of the body, and gentle massage normalizes the general condition of the nervous system. In addition, Abhyanga provides an excellent cosmetic effects for hair and skin of the whole body. Fragrance oils and herbs, combined with a light meditative music will help to remove all the accumulated per day of stress and muscle clips.

To prepare the take massage oil 1 cup of vegetable oil, which is then dissolved in 100-150 drops of essential oils. You can start with a quarter of this amount - this will be enough for one treatment. Here are a few essential oil compositions - "Awakening", "calmness", "cheerful spirit" and "free breathing", which are suitable for people of any constitution. If you follow the canons of Ayurveda more severely for people vata suitable warming sesame oil, for pitta - cooling sunflower, for kapha - calamus oil or corn root. To heat the oil, give them a cup of a few minutes in a hot water tank.

If you do oil massage in conditions as close to reality, the best well to warm the air in the bathroom and prepare a few small towels, to stand firmly on their feet already oiled. Start making process from head Take a tablespoon of warm oil and apply on the skin and hair. Then his hands (not fingertips), vigorously rub the oil.

Ayurveda prescribes the longest massage the head and foot. Small circular movements massage the whole head, as if to lather her. All movements are slow and measured. Approaching his forehead and ears, massage the tender. Gentle massage the temples and behind the ears is particularly soothing effect. Facial massage should be done more gently. Slightly moisten hands with oil and massage your neck front and back, then shoulders. There do as massage hands and fingers.

Oils need to take a small amount, so that it only a thin layer remains on the body. Vigorously massage your hands in a circular motion - shoulder and elbow joints, movements back and forth - along the lines of the hand. It is important not to act too vigorously, reaching the body. Wide and light circular movements massage the chest, stomach and abdomen. (Ayurveda traditionally advised to move clockwise.) Sharp movements up and down massage along the sternum.

Massage techniques have their name: "sea wave" - ??a smooth ride relaxed hand, is good for the back and sides, "lily pad" - light chaotic motion, which we put new oil portion and distribute it on the skin, "Silver Crescent" - hands follow one after another, drawing on the surface of the stomach or buttocks semicircles.

As vigorously as the hands, massage your legs: a circular motion - ankles and knees in a straight up and down - along the legs. oil residue vigorously massage your feet. This massage is done with his hands and fingers near and between - fingers. The total duration of treatment - 5-10 min.

Oil Flushing: a thin, almost invisible layer of sesame oil has beneficial effects on the skin, balancing energy and warming up the muscles for the whole day. Therefore it is necessary to wash with warm water, not hot, with a small amount of natural soaps, and best of all - a paste of oatmeal (of milled oat flakes in the water and powder). Oil from the head easier to wash with regular shampoo. Rub the paste into oiled body and then abundantly rinse with warm water.

By this simple embodiment of a cleaning paste can be added in proportions of 1: 1, white clay, slightly milled into powder of herbs (sweet flag, linden flowers, flax seeds, calendula - they provide mild soapy slip), as well as a shallow sea salt or baking soda. Everyone can express their imagination and choose the one that he was pleased.

Making a good Ayurvedic oil massage every day for two weeks. I propose to start today!

"Free breathing"
Myrtle - 10 drops, rosemary - 10 drops, eucalyptus - 10 drops peppermint - 5 drops of camphor - 5 drops 120 g of sesame oil

Cypress - 5 drops of cedar (wood) - 5 drops of cardamom - 5 drops, bergamot - 10 drops of tangerine - 15 drops Petitgrain - 10 drops, 120 g of olive oil

Lavender - 15 drops of sandalwood - 10 drops of chamomile - 5 drops of rose geranium - 5 drops Petitgrain - 10 drops of rosewood - 10 drops, 120 g of olive oil

"Vigorous spirit"
Lemongrass - 5 drops, angelica - 5 drops bergamot - 10 drops, myrtle - 5 drops of lemon - 5 drops of orange - 5 drops 120 g of sesame oil

Beneficial effects of massage:

It stimulates lymph circulation, accelerating the removal of toxins;

eliminates stress, relieves muscle spasms;

increases the flow of blood and nutrients to the muscles;

improves muscle tone;

improves venous return of blood to the heart (this reduces the load on the heart with a sedentary lifestyle;)

with the help of massage can be broken down fat capsule in subcutaneous adipose tissue; thus massage in combination with a nutrient, but a low-calorie diet can help in reducing weight;

Massage increases the excretion of fluids by the kidneys, the end products of protein metabolism, salts.

Massage has contra-indications: skin diseases, thrombosis; acute inflammatory processes in the area of ??the massage; acute diseases of internal organs; tendency to bleeding or a risk thereof (for example, peptic ulcer disease). high blood pressure, malignant tumor.
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