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» » Discover how the moon affects your sleep

Discover how the moon affects your sleep

The moon causes tides, energizes plants (herbs still collect the full moon, when they are most useful substances), helping new mothers (the full moon is often seen baby boom), and even, as calculated analitiki1 affects the dynamics of the indices global financial markets ... And let the werewolves, reborn as a full moon, live only in legends, many of us can physically feel the power of the moon, often without even knowing it. Its impact on our state close to that as we act on the electromagnetic waves from the antenna, home appliances and wi-fi routers. We all have different sensitivity to the invisible forces of this kind. Someone does not feel them at all, someone's condition they change significantly. To find out if you belong to the "lunozavisimym" people who offer to perform this simple exercise.

Keep a notebook where you record observations of his own dream. This will take no more than two minutes every morning, but you need to keep records for at least three months. During this period not verify with the lunar calendar to avoid "placebo" effect. Immediately after waking up note:

-at what time you fell asleep and woke up. If you wake during the night, when it happened;

-how do you sleep (on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 - a sleepless night, 10 - deep restorative sleep);

-what dreams you dreamed about in terms of this kind: stormy, beautiful, realistic, tedious, implausible, disturbing;

-what is your mood on waking: martial, happy, depressed, funny ...

After three months, review your records and note the most restless nights when you fall asleep and wake up later than usual, sleep quality was in the range from 1 to 5; dreams were unsettling and tedious; mood on waking was unimportant, energy was not there ... Then take the lunar calendar and check the time, in what phase the moon was in these difficult night. If they occurred in the period of the full moon (considered as four days before the full moon and the four - post), then it looks like you 'lunozavisimy ". If insomnia appeared at other times, it means that the cause is also to be found in another.

If you "lunozavisimy", a week of the full moon, pay more attention to preparing for bed: dine early and lighter dishes, the evening did not drink alcohol and choose a quiet session. At least one hour before going to bed, stop any intellectual work, turn off the computer, the TV and set the mobile phone, dim the lights. Promote restful sleep relaxing essential oils such as chamomile or lavender. Well to put their massage movements on the solar plexus for half an hour before bedtime. Herbal tea verbena or mint with honey also helps to calm down. And make sure not too stuffy and hot in the room. The optimum temperature for sleep under the covers - 16-19 degrees.
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