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» » Fruit papaya - beneficial properties for health and beauty

Fruit papaya - beneficial properties for health and beauty

Papaya fruit - what is it and how to eat

Papaya - is an evergreen tree of the family Karikova, which is also called the "bread tree" and "melon tree." These names are received is not accidental - the fact that the ripe fruit of the papaya is a lot like the taste of melon and baked flesh smells like fresh bread.

Papaya Homeland Central America, where Spanish and Portuguese colonizers brought these fruits and their plants in Southeast Asia, India and some countries in the African continent. Today, the largest papaya producers are the US, Mexico and Puerto Rico.

Interesting fact: the people of Central America wrapped pieces of meat in papaya leaves and left for a few hours, then ate the "finished product". The fact is that, as the fruit and leaves of this tree contain a unique enzyme which is "digested" products and they are suitable for human consumption.

Wood is low, has no branches and only at the very top of growing large leaves, like palm trees. The fruit grows, it seems at the trunk, but it is covered with petioles, in the axils of which the fruit and develop.

Fruit papaya - beneficial properties for health and beauty

Length of ripe papaya is from 15 to 45 centimeters, skin color is almost completely turned yellow, the flesh is orange-red, very fragrant and tasty, many, it resembles a melon, but it is more gentle and less juicy. Collect as papayas and bananas - while they are still green. Unripe fruits ripen in a few days.

Seedlings of papaya tree grows quickly - within six months, they are ready to please the first harvest.

How to eat papaya.Eat this fruit just like a melon - cut in half, and then with a spoon remove the seeds, then you can cut into slices or completely peeled and cut into cubes.

Calorie. At 100 grams of the product for about 40 calories.

Useful properties of papaya fruit

In addition to vitamins and minerals, which are rich in all fruits and vegetables, from papaya there's something else, it is a valuable ingredient papain. The name was chosen because it is found only in this exotic fruit. It papain and papaya is the main wealth - a powerful natural enzyme that works about as well as our gastric juice, that is not just improves digestion, literally helps the body absorb food faster and better. Papain helps break down proteins, fats, amino acids, and accelerates the absorption.

Fruit papaya - beneficial properties for health and beauty

This unique substance papaya is often recommended for those who have a disease of the pancreas, those in which there is protein deficiency and who have broken their assimilation.

The composition of papaya:

In 100 grams of fruit pulp contains - proteins, carbohydrates, fats, water, fiber, as well as:

Vitamins - A, E, K, C, B vitamins, of which the most vitamin B1, B2 and B9.
Trace minerals - potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium.
Macronutrients - iron, copper, zinc, selenium, manganese.
The benefits of papaya for health

One of the most well-known properties of this exotic fruit is its ability to reduce the pressure. In countries where papaya is grown it consider this a cure for high blood pressure.

Improves eyesight. Thanks to the rich content of vitamins and minerals, only 2 servings of sweet fruit a day will ensure the maintenance of eye health and visual acuity into old age.

Increases immunity

It reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke risk.

Due to its wound-healing properties, papaya pulp is applied to wounds, scratches and damage to the skin.

Removes cough and accelerates the treatment of bronchitis.

Suitable for diabetics diet.

The papaya fruit is useful for the skin

In addition to papaya is rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals, which also affect the skin, because the inside of food is important, the flesh of the fruit is used for external use, and here's why:

It is a source of papain, which breaks down dead cells on the surface of the skin and helps it to update.

Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant that fights the signs of aging and wrinkles.

It contains very little sodium, ie salt, so do not delay water in the cells and skin stays hydrated longer.

Papaya contains more carotene than an apple or guava, for example.

Puree fresh papaya pulp is applied to cleansed face and leave for 25 minutes. Such a quick mask, get rid of acne, cleanse the skin and make it velvety.

It is a natural exfoliant for the skin which also works as the light peels for the face.

The flesh of papaya is used to treat cracked heels.

Face masks papaya whiten the skin and remove dark spots, fights signs of aging skin, improves its elasticity.

Moisturizing Mask for all skin types

2-3 tablespoons of mashed papaya pulp mixed with honey and applied to the pre-cleansed face. It washed off after 25 minutes with cool water.

Fruit papaya - beneficial properties for health and beauty

Mask for skin elasticity

Papaya pulp is mixed with rice flour, left for 20 minutes, then rinsed with cool water. Do such a mask 3 times a week for best results.

Body Scrub

A little bit of mashed papaya, sea salt, olive oil, honey and excellent natural scrub is ready. Use while taking a shower.

Contraindications and harm

The juice from immature papaya fruit is very unhealthy and even toxic, so it is not recommended to consume green fruit. Better to wait until the fruit does not ripen, the juice of white color will become a transparent and lose all your bad qualities.

How to choose and store papaya

Ripe, so delicious and healthy fruit is yellow or orange rind with green hues. The surface is smooth, slightly soft at the same time for quite elastic. If the fetus to the touch is still very hard, put it in the fridge for a day at room temperature, it ripen for 2-3 days.

Already ripe fruit is stored in the refrigerator for 5-7 days.

Papaya valued since ancient times and for good reason, this amazing exotic fruit, despite its sweetness, even diabetics recommended.
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