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» » Celery root - useful properties, contraindications

Celery root - useful properties, contraindications

Useful than celery root

Previously, celery was used almost exclusively as a medicine, it is now to have more spice than a vegetable. Anyway, this one is not so distant relative of the carrot, not deprived nature of nutrients:

Dishes with a celery root is recommended to increase immunity, to restore the body after surgery and prolonged antibiotic treatment;

100 grams of this root contains 39% of the daily value of vitamin K, which is needed for bone formation, blood clotting;

Rich in antioxidants and polyphenols;

Celery root - useful properties, contraindications

The content of vitamins and minerals per 100 grams of product: 13% of the daily value of vitamin B6, 16% of phosphorus, 10 vitamin C. In addition there is sufficient iron, magnesium, calcium, thiamine, riboflavin, potassium, zinc, pantothenic acid, copper, folic acid ;

According to studies, celery included in the list of food products which are able to prevent the development of tumors in regular use;

It has a tonic effect on the body, gives strength and energy;

It contains the optimal amount of soluble fiber that promotes normal digestion and absorption of vitamins;

It improves metabolism and helps to speed up metabolism.

Celery root is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties, so the recommended dietary;

Despite the fact that many studies were conducted on animals rather than on humans, scientists say with certainty that regular consumption of celery greatly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Important! Celery has the unique ability to not lose their useful properties during cooking.

The use of celery root

Since ancient times, the Egyptian and Greek physicians used celery for the treatment of many diseases. Today, it is recommended for diseases of the heart and nervous system, arthritis and arthrosis, gout and anemia.

Celery root is still used to improve digestion, to strengthen the body, as an aid in the treatment of many inflammatory diseases.

Celery root for weight loss

Celery root low-calorie product. 100 grams of the product contains only 42 calories, slightly more than its greens.

It is a good source of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, and in combination with low-calorie, it is recommended and very appropriate product in any weight loss diet. The diet should not deprive the body the necessary vitamins, otherwise the effect may be the opposite.

In do not need a diet to lose weight is by no means fast, because as soon as you have something to eat, the body immediately begins to postpone reserves in the form of fat.

Lose weight effectively, you can completely change their eating habits to include in your diet more foods such as celery. Read also: 98 products without calories.

How can help celery? It will provide the body the necessary vitamins and minerals, and antioxidants that, on the one hand give more energy, and the other will help to cleanse the body of toxins.

How to use celery to lose weight? Do not bother complex recipes, and simply add it to fresh salads, soups, smoothies in the diet, cook sometimes mashed celery root, potato instead.

Celery root. Contraindications and harm

Celery root is contraindicated in pregnant women. But to make it absolutely clear - safe to add a little bit to soups and salads, but it is necessary to limit the number only to those who really love this vegetable and used there in large quantities.

Celery root can not eat while taking certain urinary medications and anticoagulants.

How to store celery?

If you do not cut the foliage to the root, in a cool and dark place it can last much longer than the upper part of this vegetable, and more specifically about how and carrots. Of course, it all depends on the conditions, but is usually in the refrigerator may be stored up to 1 month, and his winter store in the cellar, stuck in the sand.

The main rule: No need to clean and wash the celery if you want to keep it longer. Place the roots in a plastic bag and keep in the refrigerator.

Celery root - methods of preparation

Modalities of application of this root vegetable in cooking set, but that's what you need to know each owner:

Like potatoes, the color begins to change, as soon as his cut. To avoid this, it is sufficient to wipe it with a slice of lemon.
Celery root, if it boil and add the butter, you get a delicious smoothie.
If you add the celery root in pickles and marinades, the taste of them will be brighter and more fragrant.
We are accustomed to add the celery root in different dishes, primarily as a spice to flavor and aroma, but because of this useful vegetable, obtained a delicious smoothie.

Recipe mashed celery root with milk

Ingredients for 2 servings: 2 medium celery root, 400 ml milk, 50 grams of butter, salt and pepper to taste.

Celery cleaned and cut into small cubes. Put the butter in a saucepan and as soon as it has melted, add the chopped root. Cook over low heat for a few minutes.

Celery root - useful properties, contraindications

Pour milk and cook the celery in the milk until tender. It takes about 20-30 minutes.

Celery root - useful properties, contraindications

All the contents of the pan to put in a blender and blend until smooth.

Celery root - useful properties, contraindications

It turns out very tender and tasty mashed potatoes, which will serve as a low-calorie side dishes to fish and meat.

Celery root - useful properties, contraindications

Celery root vegetable is useful, especially in winter and early spring when little vitamins and imported products are far from the quality of the seasonal, local. I hope this article has convinced some of you often add it to your diet, because this root is delicious and rich in nutrients.
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