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» » 5 home remedies that can help with dermatitis

5 home remedies that can help with dermatitis

Experts told about some of the popular and home remedies that help treat dermatitis, normalizing the internal balance of our body.

Dermatitis encompasses a wide range of inflammatory conditions of the skin, and includes such diseases as atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, etc.

Those who suffer from this skin problem, they know to what extent they impede normal life, significantly reducing its quality, as well as difficult to cure them.

Therefore, it is imperative to treat dermatitis, both inside and outside.

Skin Care with natural resources, respecting its natural pH is as important as natural remedies.

If you have sensitive skin, you should avoid using ordinary means of care, because they contain too aggressive substances such as parabens, detergents or petroleum products.

You can prepare your own money at home or buy those that are environmentally friendly or manual preparation.

Only those changes in daily hygiene and cosmetics, you will notice a significant improvement of the skin in a short time.

Blue colour

Health problems that cause inflammation, in this case, dermatitis, associated with the color red. The opposite of red is blue, it has anti-inflammatory properties, as shown by a technique of healing through color (chromotherapy).

According to this theory, there is an interesting and amazing ancient remedy for improving skin inflammation associated with using the healing power of blue.

1. We need a blue glass container, which we then fill with water.

2. Leave it in the sun for at least 2 hours.

3. Drink cup of water (200 ml) for half an hour before each of the three main meals.

5 home remedies that can help with dermatitis

Sea water

In the sea there is also a blue color, but, in addition, sea water contains all the minerals that are needed in the proportions ideal for our body. In addition, sea water is an inflammatory, alkalizing and cleaning agent.

With a towel soaked in seawater, we can clean the affected area and the skin to dry naturally. We need to do this when we get up in the morning and before bedtime.


Another excellent tool that can be applied externally, is oatmeal. This herb has healing properties, it is strongly recommended for medical use and just as food, thanks to its excellent nutritional value.

If you have dermatitis on the large surface of the body, it is recommended to take a bath with oatmeal.

Preparation: Boil 500 g oat flakes for 3 minutes and then the mixture was beat well in the blender. As a result, should get a thick oatmeal mashed potatoes, which we then add in the bath water.

For small areas of skin or at the end of the therapeutic bath, you can use a special sponge with oat flakes. To do this you need to put them in a bag made of porous fabrics such as muslin, and tie it with string.

When we add the oat flakes in hot water, they swell and will gently massage the skin, otshelushivaya dirt and dead cells.

5 home remedies that can help with dermatitis

Medicinal herbal teas

Infusions made from medicinal plants are also a great addition to dermatitis treatment using natural products, because they act from within, without disturbing the balance of the skin.

These plants have a cleansing effect and help us get rid of toxins that disrupt our skin's health: horsetail, sassaparel, nettle.

Should drink two or three cups per day, and combine these with each other teas or rotate them.

Brewer's yeast

Brewer's yeast have many properties beneficial to health, therefore, they can be taken daily as a dietary supplement to prevent disease, and lead to equilibrium and strengthen the body.

In addition, they are rich in nutrients and help regulate various processes in the body, brewer's yeast are excellent detergent for the skin, which is often recommended for dermatitis.

We can take the form of a tablet or powder, by mixing it with a puree, juice or yoghurt.
If the brewer's yeast to take with meals, it improves the absorption of nutrients.
Some manufacturers make yeast without bitterness, to soften the taste.
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