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» » Relaxation: exercises and techniques for better sleep

Relaxation: exercises and techniques for better sleep

Relaxation: exercises and techniques for better sleep

The moment of falling asleep - it is a special moment

You probably already know this, but just in case we repeat: our thoughts and feelings are very strong influence on our lives. But attention! This influence can be not only good but also bad. Depending on how we think and what we think about a certain situation, we can improve or worsen it.

When we go to bed, you do not just put your head on the pillow and "wait" when it's a dream, and try to relax, so that we have embraced the magic feeling of "care" of the daily reality.

There are many natural ways to facilitate falling asleep and improve sleep, they do not require reception of sleeping pills, do not need to also be left on the TV or read in bed. These latter methods are harmful to health, and hypnotics induce drug addiction.

Not recommended well before going to bed to watch movies, TV shows and other TV programs, especially those which show violence, death, where is heard the bad news. Such transfers often cause us to tears or fear, they excite and unbalance the nervous system, and thus are difficult to fall asleep.

Now, many go anywhere with a mobile phone with them, and they go to bed. If for a moment before turning off the light and close your eyes, we send text messages or look who wrote on social networks, it will be difficult to fall asleep quickly to us. The handset is better to put away from the bed, and the Internet - to disable.

And by the way, let us recall the other bad habits that prevent us to sleep. There is nothing wrong in the fact that we had breakfast in bed on Sunday, but do not get used to work there or study. In addition, it adversely affects the processes of sleep and sleep on the job (study) - when from time to time sleepy - a little disconcerting. Remember, the bed - not a place for work or study.

And finally, fall asleep and sleep is very dependent on the power supply. If you are tight dinner, and even ate fried foods and dishes in which a lot of fat and sugar when you drink alcohol or coffee, you "move away" from such a dinner and you can somehow get to sleep only a few hours. However, dining in any case, you need a couple of hours before bedtime, but dinner should be light, but instead of tea or coffee is recommended to drink herbal tea, it is much healthier.

It is advisable to prepare a dinner of raw or processed products too.

Relaxation exercises that help to sleep well all night

Use the clock set aside for sleep, for a good holiday - this is not a whim and not a fashion but a necessity. Set your mind on the positive "wave" and relax in earnest, with a deep relaxation. Allow the body to recuperate.

Good sleep helps to get rid of stressful experiences, fatigue and muscular pain from excessive concern and anxiety, he leads the nerves in order.

How to achieve this? With the help of meditation techniques. It not only will save you from trouble falling asleep and sleep, but also help fight various ailments and diseases. To do this, of course, you need to practice meditation regularly. Try it - you will see that it really helps.

Keep in mind that at first your thoughts you can not "obey", and it will be difficult to concentrate and relax, but do not force the situation, not razdrazhaytens or drop exercise.

If you are used to other (wrong) ways to fall asleep (such as watching television or sleeping pills), you will be even more difficult to go to natural methods, but do not give up, sooner or later you will succeed.

While meditating, you will develop your thinking, learn to control your conscious and subconscious, and it will help you not only sleep better, but also to achieve the desired in all other areas. So, you need to do the following for better sleep:

Light dinner

There are bad at night. When the body is busy digesting food, nothing else to do, you can not. If you go to sleep in this state, sleep will be shallow, most likely, you'll wake up at night and in the morning to feel heaviness in the whole body. Follow the best example of those who have for dinner eats some fruit or drink tea with biscuits.

Do yourself a massage

Lightly pressing the fingertips (carefully so that the nails do not touch the skin) in the scalp, promote hand from the forehead to the nape. There are various devices that help to massage. You can ask someone from relatives to help you with this. Massage takes from five to ten minutes, and you will feel as soon as it relaxes.

Turn on quiet music

If you live in the city, you are, of course, used to the noise. But this does not mean that the noise is good for health. Include calm, instrumental music, such, for example, which sounds in the halls for meditation or yoga. This may be a Hindu, a Buddhist or Chinese style. You can also listen to classical music. There is music, which reminds some sounds of nature, for example, birds singing, the sound of water in the river or the rain beating on the glass.

Try different options, and you will find out what is best to help you relax.

Breathe meditating

Breath - a magical process that one can not use relaxation exercises. Before going to bed, take the edge of the bed, keep your back straight, shoulders slightly pull back. Slowly take three deep breaths (breathing nose needed) and exhalation. At the same time, for the best relaxation you can close your eyes. With each exhalation, imagine that you get rid of tension, stress and worry. When inhale, imagine that your body enters a soft and clear light that illuminates and heals.

Move your arms and legs

In the same position, move your legs up and down, sideways, can you do a circular motion feet, etc. Can you do the same hands, the wrists. You will see how these exercises help to relax. After all these procedures, you go to bed happy and relaxed and you will sleep like a baby.
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