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» » Breath - the energy of life

Breath - the energy of life

Breath - the energy of life

The life force Ki - something from which our world is constructed. But our world exists not just because of the life force, and due to the fact that this life force is in motion. When it was fixed - the world does not exist. Having set in motion, it began to evolve, to move from stillness and transparency of creativity - to create shapes our world. Our world - this is is a combination of different shapes. If the life force is concentrated, the obtained solid, tangible, visible forms - such as the human body. Less concentrated dissipated life force - the material of which are made more subtle objects: thoughts, feelings, and motivations. We could not perform a single simple action, if we have not ruled ki - the life-giving energy. Therefore, the dying person can not even move - ing out of the body.

So, our world - not just a product of the life force, but the movement of the life force. The movement of the life force, the movement of energy in the world is very similar to the movement of air. It's like the wind - the movement of air masses above the ground - it looks like a breath, and not only looks like - it's almost the same thing! The movement of air - this is the movement of energy, the movement of the life force.

The movement of air into the body and vice versa - it is a person's breath. The movement of energy in the world - is the breath of the world, it is the breath of nature, is the breath of the universe.

Imagine our world - it is a huge living organism that is able to breathe. It is the breath, it is the movement of energy, vitality - this is what gives rise to life. People, like all living creatures - little similarity large living organism - our world, of which we are all. We arranged for his likeness: he lives, it exists only when the breathing, ie when there is a movement of life force - and we live only when we breathe.

But how do we breathe? After all, you can breathe differently. To languish with disease and suffering - quite a bit to inhale a small amount of dirty, not filled with oxygen and air power. Yes, you will not die if you breathe even so. For the weak support life that is enough. For a full, healthy and happy life - no.

In the world of air flow processes and energy movement are inseparable. But the man in the process of civilization broke away from vitality, distorted its nature. And because most people breathe, so that a swing completely insufficient quantity of air in the lungs and back without giving vitality with air to enter the body, do not allow this life force to circulate freely throughout the body, reaching every cell. That is why some people live in sickness and suffering, and dying prematurely.

What prevents us from living that keeps us breathing

So, the world around us is alive, it breathes - that is, it always moves the life force. If there were no movement of life force - there would be no peace, there would be no life, there would be no us. The movement of the life force - that's all we need for life and health. And if our lives have in some way or even in the whole are not happy, if we get sick, if we can not become what we should be desirable - but instead become such, what have not we want, it is only because we have forgotten how to breathe as breathing world around us. That is, we have forgotten how to breathe so that breathing was not only the movement of the air, but also the movement of the life force.

The breath of the world - a movement of vitality. Breath of most people - it's just a drawing and deflation, but still in short supply, but still not the best in its composition, which then moves in the body is not the case, as provided by nature - and therefore does not cause the body movement of vital force, It does not create a life-giving energy of the currents.

Breathing World - is the movement of energy. If we want to be healthy and strong, if we want to make life carried joy, we must turn our breath from just useless air being drawn into the movement of energy. We must do our breath energy.

What prevents most people to do your breathing power? What prevents admit inward vitality and allow it to move, bringing energy and health? How to feel the life force around you - and the barriers within yourself?

Try at least for a moment to escape from their problems, thoughts, feelings, disease, misery, fear, sadness, joy, hope, expectations. Look at yourself and the world around outside observer look - how you manage to get into this state. Look look the stranger, for the first time coming into this world and who saw him for the first time. And your body look look wanderer - imagine that you gave it to ease travel in the world, and your true essence, your soul just trying on the suit, then to lose it again ...

If you can see all around and the view of the stranger - perhaps you will delight the greatness and beauty of the world that you did not notice before. Perhaps you will feel a deep, powerful and majestic calm of this world. You will feel a deep and wise tranquility of nature.

Even if the sea a violent storm - you can feel it coming from the depths of a great peace. Yes, the sea is stormy - but it is in the depths of his calm, it is not worried. Wrong to say - that the sea is worried, because even in his excitement there is peace. The sea is stormy, raging, but it is not angry, not angry, no fuss - it remains as majestic, powerful and quiet. Even in a sea storm shows no aggression. Anger, aggression, excitement - it belongs only to man.
Wind howls, noise in the trees, the wind can even break the branches of trees - and yet in the wind, there is peace. Wind is not angry!

If you can feel the peace of this magnificent world around you, if you feel that the world is at peace - but not at rest! - Look outside observer look inward. You can see the opposite picture. There, within you, there is no rest - there is seething unrest, fear, worry, anxiety, anger, irritation ... But does this mean that the energy moves inside you? Not at all!

It would seem, in all the rages, but if you want to feel the energy of these currents - that you feel nothing but strange petrification. You will feel that inside like something frozen - but you tormented anxiety.

That's what a great difference between human condition and the state of nature. In nature, everything is on the move - and still alone. The man is no movement - but there is no peace, anxiety.

Anxiety and stagnation of energy - these are the barriers that hinder breathing, and hence prevent to live and be healthy. Once inside we appear barriers and stagnation of energy that prevent enter vitality, preventing swirl energy - we cease to breathe correctly. Our breathing ceases to be energetic. When respiration ceases to be an energy - no longer circulating life force in the body, and from this disease appear.

In order to it's healing, you can go two ways. The first way - to work directly with the barriers created by harmful energies within us. The second way - to learn how to breathe properly, and then the barriers and harmful energy will leave of their own accord. Everyone chooses which of these two paths is the best for him. The first way - it's a way for the units, it is very difficult and complicated. The second path is available to all. Think about it: Is it easy to just pick up and eliminate the anxiety of his soul? By doing this, you will probably be able to breathe properly. But anxiety can not be removed by an effort, it is impossible to order myself not to worry. It will not work. You can just take a breath and adjust. With him will be adjusted, and for the life force in the body, and then anxiety and other destructive energy will go by themselves.

Not only anxiety, but also other kinds of harmful energies bring us diseases. Diseases arise from the destructive emotions that we experience. This, in addition to anxiety, even anger, fear, sadness and sorrow, sadness, excessive jitters that often hides behind the mask of an immoderate joy. This joy - bright and clean feeling - of course, does not create harmful energy, and excessive agitation, which some confuse with joy, it does not have the purity and peace of true joy. Nerve stimulation from excessive enthusiasm - it's not fun, it is also kind of destructive energy, which is called excessive or unnatural, joy, although in fact it is far from the real joy.

The devastating impact of harmful energy high. When we are at the mercy of these energies - we cut ourselves off from the harmonious peaceful world, we cease to be part of it. We do not allow life force to circulate freely in their body. We begin to breathe properly we feel bad, we get sick, we are pleased to life and to ourselves. By learning to breathe energy, you will be able to regain the lost harmony, vitality and cope with the disease.

Health - this is the normal movement of the life force in the body. Normal movement of the life force - the awakening to life the healing power within you, the only force that can lead us to health.

If you are unable not only to establish, but even feel the movement of the life force within the body, you can do this with conscious effort and exercise.

Exercise "Wind"

Find a way to go out in windy weather. For the first time is better to let it be, when it's warm. If you can not expose more of the body - at least open the face and head. Listen to the wind. Imagine that somewhere in the distance is the source of the wind - some higher being, perhaps, the god or an angel blowing on you. Imagine that this is a very good creature, it wishes you nothing but good and health and sends you a breeze for healing. Feel the breeze touching your face. This is a nice touch. Here the wind touches the skin. Drop the fear - the fear of ill, which so often appears in people in the wind. If you believe with all your heart, it's a good wind, it will bring you only the health. Open the face and body of the wind as much as possible. Feel the wind, touching the skin like permeates through it and into your body. Wind blows through you - feel it! Wind blows from you all sickness and troubles. The body becomes light, transparent, updated.

Remember everything you just experienced. Now try by going indoors, where there is no wind in your mind mentally howling produce just tested the condition Imagine again that a good wind blows right through you, blowing all diseases. Feel how this imaginary wind moves inside your body in the form of energy flows, as the energy within you in motion, bringing all the bad, harmful, unnecessary and bringing strength and health.

Having remembered the feeling of the wind blowing through the body, you can do this exercise every day, not even leaving home. Soon you will feel like you have to pour new energy - the energy of the wind. His life force and becomes your strength. You will feel calm comes out vanity, and you seem to become clearer and more transparent from the inside.
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