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13 reasons to start eating strawberries now

13 reasons to start eating strawberries now

1. Strawberries took 4 th place in the ranking of foods rich in antioxidants

Move over, spinach and broccoli: in the ranking of fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants, strawberries is second only to blackberries, cranberries and raspberries occupying honorable 4th place. First of all, thanks to its content of flavonoid anthocyanin. It is he who gives it rich strawberry-red color. But for us it is more important that it has antioxidant properties and effectively fights free radicals, protecting the body from premature aging and serious diseases. Color is important: the darker the color of the berries, the more it anthocyanins. That's why the sun from the garden berry useful light red greenhouse. But anthocyanins - are not the only antioxidants in strawberries.

2. Strawberries - a unique source of ellagic acid

Royal berry ranks third among foods rich in ellagic acid. Scientists believe this material one of the most effective anticancer agents. But if you read out the entire list of useful properties of ellagic acid, it will impress anyone. We prove the following properties of the substance: the ability to suppress tumor processes, fights free radicals, prevent the mutations of genes and prevents the development of congenital defects (to note pregnant), has anti-inflammatory effect, has hemostatics, wound-healing effect, has cardioprotective and hepatoprotective properties, increases the amount of digestive enzymes gastric juice. And this is not the entire list.

3. Strawberry - an excellent source of vitamin C

Perhaps it's hard to believe, but at 8 medium strawberries contains more vitamin C than an orange. The fact that vitamin C - is also one of the most powerful antioxidants and immunostimulants, and do not need to talk. In addition, in the presence of vitamin C is better absorbed iron, so necessary to all urban residents in the fight against anemia. It is believed that the daily dose is contained in 6 strawberries vitamin C. But it should be borne in mind: the berries grown in the sun, contain much more vitamin C than those grown under artificial light, or even in the shade. To distinguish these berries is simple: their color issues. Vivid red from tip to tail - the ones that you need.

4. Strawberries - anticancer berry

Strawberry - one of seven berries, which are found to be useful for the prevention of cancer. Contained in strawberries vitamin C, ellagic acid and flavonoids, anthocyanins, kemferol, folate, kvartsetit prevent the development of some forms of cancer. In particular, this is confirmed by the research of the Center for the Study of Ohio State University cancer. And it's a good reason to enter the strawberries even in your summer diet when she is particularly rich in these substances.

5. Strawberry improves memory and keeps intelligence

Recent studies conducted by neurologists two teaching hospitals of Harvard University, demonstrated that the use of strawberries slows down the aging process of intellectual functions of the brain. In another study suggests that daily consumption of strawberries for 8 weeks results in improving short-term memory 100%. For reference: the gradual deterioration of short-term memory (memory for recent events) is often associated with the beginning of the development of this form of dementia (dementia) as Alzheimer's disease.

6. Strawberry has anti-inflammatory effect

Several studies on this subject confirm the fact: the antioxidants in strawberries, lower levels of C-reactive protein in the blood, which is the main marker of inflammation in the body. Primarily, this means reducing the risk of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and a number of cardiovascular disease associated with inflammatory processes.

7. Strawberry supports eye health

According to the research, three servings of strawberries per week (about 8 berries per serving) prevent the development of macular degeneration of the retina (the nerve cells die disease macular - the most important of its area). In addition, strawberries may help prevent age-related disease such as cataracts - a leading cause of vision loss in the elderly. And all this - thanks to a unique biochemical composition of strawberries.

13 reasons to start eating strawberries now

8. Strawberry normalizes blood sugar levels

Strange but true: being sweet berries, strawberries, however, does not lead to a sharp increase in blood sugar when it is used. Moreover, it contains not give phytonutrients sugars fall rapidly from the stomach into the bloodstream. Slowing the process of absorption of sugars (including glucose) in the blood, these components prevent spikes in blood sugar levels (followed by the release of insulin into the bloodstream). This property makes it a strawberry berry useful in the prevention of Type II diabetes. And, thanks to this feature, strawberries - one of the few sweet berries that are allowed to eat for diabetics.

9. Strawberry burns fat

This berry is ideal for those who want to go on a diet. It is low-calorie, has a low glycemic index. And thus also contains substances that promote fat burning. One study states that weight loss with regular use strawberries together with the basic diet is 24% more than those who followed the same diet but did not eat strawberries or other berries with a similar action.
Fat-burning property has all the same anthocyanins, which are especially numerous in the summer strawberries. So, we decided to do them - it's time, strawberries ripen already on the beds.

10. Strawberry reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease

This property has strawberries for a variety of reasons. In addition to the already repeatedly mentioned antioxidants, ellagic acid, and vitamin C in strawberries contains a rich supply of magnesium and potassium. This structure plays an important role in normalization of blood pressure to prevent fluid stagnation and swelling (also trigger increased blood pressure), improve fat metabolism and prevent the accumulation of "bad" cholesterol.

11. Strawberry prevents many types of allergies

Surprised? Nevertheless, it is a fact. The composition of strawberries not only inhibits inflammatory processes in the body, but also prevents the development of a series of biochemical reactions associated with allergies. Why, then, consider the very many strawberry allergen? The fact that strawberries - berry porous and it matures and grows in a period of rapid other flowering plants. Pollen from these plants clog the pores on the surface of the berries. And it is this pollen, which gather up strawberries on the surface, it becomes an allergen for some people, and not the flesh of the berries.

12. Strawberry useful for pregnant women

Strawberry is an excellent natural source of folic acid, which is essential in the early stages of pregnancy, when in full swing development of the child brain. Folic acid prevents the nervous system defects and congenital malformations of the brain. The information contained in strawberries ellagic acid prevents the appearance of gene mutations. Vitamin C helps the expectant mother to remain healthy, and potassium and magnesium prevents swelling and circulatory problems. In addition, it is believed that if the expectant mother made use of strawberries during pregnancy, the risk of developing allergies at her child will have a minimum in the future.

13. Strawberries - Rejuvenating berry

Strawberry has beneficial effects on bone health, skin. Has anti-aging effect, thanks all the same ellagic acid - protecting against damage to the elastic fibers in the skin. Rich in biotin, strawberries helps strengthen nails and hair. A bouquet of antioxidants fights the main culprits of aging - free radicals.

In short, if you have not yet discovered the strawberry season - it's time to think about it seriously.

13 reasons to start eating strawberries now

How to choose strawberries:

1. Choose only the bright red and dark red, but burgundy, berry. If the strawberries start to get dark - it means that it is not quite fresh, and it began to break down anthocyanin. Benefit from this berry will be enough.

2. Fresh fruit is not grown in greenhouses are recognizable strawberry flavor.

3. Buying berries in the package, check whether there were covered with the lower mold berries. From such a purchase would be of little use, since many useful substances in it have been destroyed.

4. Do not buy the bright strawberries, strawberries, in which half of red berries, and the other half - white and green. This greenhouse berries without the beneficial properties of which mentioned above.

5. Do not take lightly podvyavshuyu strawberries. Perhaps because it is possible to make the compote, but it is useless for health.
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