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» » Top 16 juice blends to normalize pressure

Top 16 juice blends to normalize pressure

Top 16 juice blends to normalize pressure

Juices should be selected for hypertension based on their possible side effects on other organs. For example, some drinks excellent job with decompression task, but absolutely contraindicated for diabetics and those suffering from obesity. Therefore, before starting therapy juices should consult a doctor. To effect was really good, it is necessary to drink freshly squeezed juices (just beet it is necessary to give a little to stand) and drink slowly in small sips.

Recipe number 1

Composition: 100 ml carrot juice, 30 ml of beet juice and cucumber.

Preparation: Mix the components.

How to use: take a cocktail for 30 minutes. before eating regularly for several weeks.

Note: It is recommended to normalize the blood pressure and improve metabolism.

Recipe number 2

Ingredients: 50 ml of beet juice, 25 ml of cranberry juice.

Preparation: Mix the components.

How to use: Take 75 ml 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals for 10 days.

Note: It is recommended as a means of normalizing blood pressure.

Recipe number 3

Ingredients: 100 ml of beet juice, 50 ml of the juice of green celery and tomatoes.

Preparation: Mix all the ingredients thoroughly.

How to use: take a cocktail of 200 ml in the morning or 2 times a day for 100 ml before meals.

Note: It is recommended as a means of lowering blood pressure and blood cholesterol.

Recipe number 4

Ingredients: 100 ml of the juice of red beet, apple, 1 tsp.. lemon juice, lemon zest for seasoning.

Preparation: Mix all the ingredients thoroughly.

Dosage: Take 200 ml morning cocktail 1 time a day or 2 times a day for 100 ml before meals.

Note: It is recommended as a means of lowering blood pressure.

Recipe number 5

Composition: 100 ml carrot, tomato juice, 1 tsp. lemon juice, grated lemon peel seasoning.

Preparation: Mix the components thoroughly.

How to use: take a drink every day for several weeks.

Note: It is recommended for hypertension for the normalization of blood pressure, cleanse the body, as well as a source of carotene.

Recipe number 6

Composition: 150 ml of tomato juice, carrot juice 50 ml, 5 ml of garlic juice.

Preparation: Mix the components thoroughly.

How to use: Take 200 ml of the morning for 30 minutes. before eating 1 time a day or divided into 2 doses.

Note: It is recommended for hypertension to activate the metabolic processes in the body and lowering blood pressure.

Recipe number 7

Ingredients: 100 ml of cucumber and tomato juice, 5 ml of garlic juice, lemon zest for seasoning.

Preparation: Mix the components thoroughly.

How to use: take a whole cocktail of 1-2 times a day for 20-30 minutes. before meals for a few weeks.

Note: It is recommended as an effective means of reinforcing the walls of blood vessels and normalize blood pressure.

Recipe number 8

Ingredients: 100 ml of tomato and apple juice.

Preparation: Mix the components.

How to use: take 200 ml of juice 1 time per day in the morning or divided into 2 doses of 100 ml for 30 minutes. before meals.

Note: It is recommended to activate the metabolic processes in the body and lowering blood pressure.

Recipe number 9

Composition: 250 ml carrot juice and horseradish 1 lemon juice, 50 g of honey.

Preparation: Mix the ingredients well until completely dissolved honey. A mixture of juice stored in the refrigerator in a glass jar with a tight lid.

How to use: take a drink 1-2 tsp.. 3 times per day for 1 hr. Before a meal or after 2-3 hr. After meals. The course of treatment for about 2 months.

Note: It is recommended for hypertension for cleaning vessels.

Recipe number 10

Composition: 100 ml of beet juice, 10 ml of lemon juice, 10 g of honey, sour cream.

Preparation: Mix all the ingredients thoroughly until completely dissolved honey.

How to use: take a cocktail in the morning before eating.

Note: It is recommended to normalize the blood pressure.

Recipe number 11

Ingredients: 60 ml of the juice of green lettuce, apple juice, 200 ml of yogurt.

Preparation: Whip ingredients in a blender.

How to use: take a cocktail as the first breakfast.

Note: It is recommended to normalize the pressure and as a tonic.

Recipe number 12

Ingredients: 100 ml of carrot juice, 5 ml of juice from parsley, 200 ml of yogurt.

Preparation: Whip ingredients in a blender.

Method of application: receive a cocktail regularly as breakfast within the first few weeks.

Note: It is recommended for hypertension for the normalization of blood pressure, cleanse the body, as a source of carotene.

Recipe number 13

Ingredients: 100 ml of cucumber juice, 50 ml of carrot juice, 25 ml of spinach juice and greens celery, 5 ml of the juice of garlic, 200 ml of yogurt.

Preparation: Whip ingredients in a blender.

Method of application: receive a cocktail regularly as breakfast within the first few weeks.

Note: It is recommended for the treatment of essential hypertension as an effective means of reinforcing the walls of blood vessels and normalize blood pressure.

Recipe number 14

Composition: 200 ml carrot juice and beet, 200 g of honey, 100 g of cranberries, 100 ml of 70% ethanol.

Preparation: Mix ingredients and insist in a dark place for 3 days.

How to use: take a brandy 1 tbsp. l. 3 times per day for 1 hr. Before a meal or 2-3 hours after a meal.

Note: It is recommended to normalize blood pressure and regulate metabolic processes.

Recipe number 15

Ingredients: 500 ml of beetroot juice, 375 ml of cranberry juice, juice of 1 lemon, 250 g of flower honey, 250 ml of vodka.

Preparation: Mix all the ingredients until completely dissolved honey and insist in a dark place for 3 days.

How to use: Take 1 tbsp brandy. l. 3 times a day for 1 hr. Before meals.

Note: It is recommended for the normalization of blood pressure in hypertension and vascular cleansing.

Recipe number 16

Ingredients: 250 ml of juice from beets, 1 cup of honey.

Preparation: Mix the components until completely dissolved honey.

How to use: take the juice 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day for 20-30 min. before meals for 2-3 months. The mixture was stored in a refrigerator.

Note: It is recommended to lower blood pressure.
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