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» » How to survive the heat and stuffiness: 5 Simple Ways

How to survive the heat and stuffiness: 5 Simple Ways

How to survive the heat and stuffiness: 5 Simple Ways

1. Moisten your hands with water

Council to carry a bottle of water is obvious and needs no comment. But when covers nausea, can moisten the inside of the arms from shoulder to wrist. It helps to slightly lower the pressure, eliminate dizziness.

2. More Vitamin C

- Together with the sweat we lose a large amount of ascorbic acid, - says the doctor, "Fast" Michael Konevsky. - You can, of course, in the morning just to drink vitamin C. But it is better if the water is slightly acidic - it quenches thirst better. For example, squeeze the bottle with water, half a lemon.

3. Fan and acupressure

In the stifling subway or bus fan simply vital. Assist and magazines or newspapers. But the fan easier to carry in a handbag.

- Now, when the temperature is raised, can particularly affect people with vascular dystonia, - says Mikhail Konevsky. - If the attack (dizziness, darkening of the eyes, weakness, and nausea) found on the street, be sure to step back into the shadows. Begin vigorously to fan or newspaper. Home is best to lie down, covered his head with a wet towel.

- Normalize the pressure, you can use acupressure, - prompts to m n, neurologist Victor Koss.... - Massage movements strong enough point under the nose, two points in the corners of the eyebrows (at the bridge) and two at the back - on the border of hair on either side of the spine.

How to survive the heat and stuffiness: 5 Simple Ways

4. Hot tea and herbs

- Hot drink regulates heat, and green tea (it is preferable to black) contains substances that help reduce the number of body temperature - tells Victor Koss. - And they are activated is hot. In addition, green tea is a good effect on the blood vessels that are suffering in the heat.

But the cold water could again provoke a shock to the body. About the same, if unprepared person after a bath to dip into the hole.

- The biggest problem in the summer - blood clots - said to m n... Elena Korsun. - Therefore it is necessary to drink water or tea with herbs that help a little thin the blood. For example, the infusion of lemongrass (five drops per cup) and hibiscus (to taste).

Lack of oxygen sometimes brings to the present suffocation and fainting. It will help dog rose, sage - add in tea or brew separately. You can buy ready-made tincture of barberry.

If there are problems with blood vessels, can be added to a regular green tea or brewed separately meadowsweet, willow, verbena. Normalize sleep will help tea from mint, fennel and rose petals. You can buy ready-made soothing fees, and for children a special afternoon tea.

How to survive the heat and stuffiness: 5 Simple Ways

5. Shower - not cold

In a little dangerous temperature fluctuations. Therefore, doctors also recommend not to put air conditioners on low temperature. Try to strike a balance - if the street 30 degrees in the room should not be less than 25. The difference of five degrees to the body is not terrible. The same applies to air conditioners in vehicles.

- When returning home from the heat, let the body to cool down, walk around the room 5 minutes - 10 - suggests Michael Konevsky. - Then you can take a cool shower. Caution: Do not cold! Sudden temperature changes can cause a heart attack.

Because of the heat is dysphoria

Italian doctor psychiatry Massimo di Dzhannantonio believes that because of the heat we cover not depression, but a feeling close to her. They called the doctor this attack dysphoria. She was exposed to about 10-15 percent of the population. The heat makes them not very pleasant symptoms:

- The predominance of a bad mood with sad, evil, gloomy and discontented,
- Irritability,
- Aggressiveness,
- Often fears
- Mood swings,
- Insomnia.
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