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» » Doctors told about the causes of aging and how to deal with it

Doctors told about the causes of aging and how to deal with it

The main factors of aging

According to researches of Gerontology, there are 4 basic aging mechanisms that operate at the same time, mutually penetrating between each other, which complicates the diagnosis of aging processes and the ability to influence them in order to preserve youth. Extend the coveted youth is only possible if people learn to simultaneously affect all 4 factors that provoke aging.

Four aging mechanism

1. Genetic processes that depend not only on the characteristics of the parents, but the entire family. By the time of which is to monitor, applies age onset of wrinkles, innate level of skin elasticity, propensity to skin sagging, deformation of facial contours. You are free to note that different people in the same age may be quite different skin condition.
2. Negative environmental factors - air pollution, water, living in close proximity to the factories or landfills, increased solar activity, especially the weather.
3. Work of the hormonal system - changes in the endocrine system, age-related failures and disorders associated with the development of any disease.
4. Cellular senescence - intensive destruction of cells due to a lack of nutrients or the negative impact of external factors. The changes are not reflected immediately on the exterior, but a significant effect on the whole body.
On the basis of these mechanisms are being built and the main theories of aging.
Genes and hormones: their role in aging

There is a theory of the existence of so-called Youth Gene. Their development is based on two parallel processes in the body, which are responsible for wear and tissue regeneration. Wear occurs due to failure of the "major" genes of an organism, it is a kind of overseers over all the other genes that make up a network of youth and health. If the work is the main gene is broken, there is a development deficit or surplus of the substances essential for life. As a result of this imbalance, such as Alzheimer's disease occurs. In this case, aging is due to the fact that some genes are completely "sleep" and cease to be generated, while others are produced by active and begin to synthesize the materials which can poison the body tissue.
To restore the basic production processes of genes does not necessarily take a lot of "fashion" of expensive drugs. First, of course, is to see a doctor. But, you must remember that the production of these genes depends on your activity. Completely depriving yourself of exercise, you will gradually accelerate the aging process, so it is important to warm up every 2-4 hours, gymnastics, sports, dancing, to remind your body that it is still in demand, and for its optimal activity need appropriate hormones. Proper diet and self-restraint in the "goodies" on this issue will also play in your favor.
In the case of hormones talking mostly about the hypothalamus - the main endocrine organ, which is responsible for the work of all other organs in the system. With age, the sensitivity decreases, which increases the risk of diseases such as hypertension, obesity, diabetes. In modern medicine, we found an effective answer to the age-related disorders in the hypothalamus - hormone replacement therapy. It works wonders in helping people aged feel comfortable, cheerful, and most importantly, to see in the mirror of a fresh face and a toned figure! It is important to note that the beginning of hormone replacement therapy can be prescribed only endocrinologist.
Free radicals against youth

The theory of free radical activity goes hand in hand with the theory of programmed cell death. Free radicals - a reactive oxygen species, which provoke the destruction of living tissues and accumulation of contaminants therein, which deteriorates the natural functioning of organs and significantly affects the appearance of the skin.
The content of these compounds depends on the adverse environmental factors, diet, overall health. For example, a large number of free radicals contained in urban air due to the regular exhaust emissions, which are deposited in the lung and enter the blood stream. If the process proceeds and the fight against free radicals are not controlled, the condition of the tissues can come in a deplorable state for a short time. Thus, there are those terrible diseases like cancer.
The solution to this problem lies in the power processing, namely, focused on the use of large amounts of antioxidants and their use in cosmetic procedures. The main components of the antioxidant diet are vitamin A, C, E and selenium. It is important to emphasize that the best of their natural sources are fruits and vegetables purchased in season. Synthetic drug use is possible, but reduced rates and only in case of a serious shortage of these substances.

Psychological side of aging

This is no less important aspect, than all of the above! A major role in aging plays a social importance, the psychological state of a person, its ability to self-realization as a young age, and on retirement. Often, due to lack of communication and the general state of being lost, the body receives signals from the brain to not demand of various systems, which automatically leads to an acceleration of the aging process, the aging, slowing metabolism - you seem to fall asleep, and together with you and update process, which should take place in an organism.
The main opponent of the psychological aging is the publication and the desire for constant communication. Medications can be to meet new people, travel, even an ordinary trip to the museum, where you have not been! If you are forced to stay at home, find a suitable hobby. Life is good, but the self-erasing quickly leads to the fact that you are dimmed, at an accelerated rate, signs of aging in your body. No wonder they say that age - it's not how much you actually, but how you feel. Keeping a positive attitude and a smile to the world, you toniziruete the nervous system, endocrine system, giving signals to the development of the necessary hormones that are important for the maintenance of activity and attractive appearance.

Doctors told about the causes of aging and how to deal with it

Composing his anti-Aging program, be sure to consider all of the above theory, because the fight against premature aging must include the full range of activities. One cosmetics, as well as one power can not achieve the full effect.

Your system rejuvenation must be present:

visiting medical specialists and delivery of appropriate analyzes;
control over the state of health;
the best diet;
physical activity during the day, sports, dancing and other things;
maintaining a positive attitude, communication with the psychologist;
chat with different people, visiting different places in order to maintain interest in life;
availability of their interests, hobbies, passions.
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