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Basil: 6 healing properties

Basil: 6 healing properties

Help for colds and respiratory diseases

 Fresh basil herb has a powerful antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal activity. Many eastern nations daily consumption of several stalks Rayhan is considered an excellent way to protect against colds and seasonal infections.

 To alleviate the symptoms of influenza or SARS are advised to take a decoction of the dry grass - it reduces body temperature, increases perspiration, helping to eliminate toxins from the body. Similarly, action has and essential oil of basil. At high temperatures, it is used for a light massage the upper part of the back of the patient, and in the absence of heat in a few drops of warm water bath for healing.

 Improved breathing in mild disease

 The structure consists of grass Rayhan tsimvol, camphene and Eugenol. These substances help to purify the air and makes breathing easier, helping to rid the lungs of phlegm and mucus. Furthermore, they have strong anti-inflammatory action.

 Patients suffering from respiratory diseases, bronchitis, tracheitis, recommend inhalation with basil oil. At cultivation of this spice in the room culture, plants are advised to place the pots in the rooms of patients with bronchial asthma to reduce the number and duration of attacks.

 Facilitating the flow of cardiovascular diseases

Leaves and stems Rayhan contain large amounts of vitamin C. In conjunction with Eugenol it helps to optimize the level of cholesterol in the blood. In addition, basil has a calming effect, reducing anxiety, and normalizes blood pressure. These qualities make a spice indispensable tool for improving the condition of patients with cardiovascular disease.

 Salvation from caries and periodontal disease

 The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect basil enables to use it in order to maintain oral health. Chewing fresh leaves can effectively clean the surface of the teeth of the pathogenic microflora and plaque, strengthen gums and reduce their bleeding. Acute and Rayhan delicate flavor lingers long in the mouth, refreshing breath.

Basil: 6 healing properties

Help with skin lesions

 Fresh basil leaves heal wounds, facilitate itchy skin, reduces redness. They help with bruises and hematomas. Furthermore, Rayhan juice or oil, applied to the skin surface, repel mosquitoes.

 The method to achieve longevity

 Rayhan Grass stabilizes the immune system and contains antioxidants that contribute to the normalization of the blood and removal of toxins from the body. In the Caucasus, basil is considered to be a product whose regular use of tones, helps maintain long physical and intellectual activity. Indeed, among people who are constantly include this spice in their menus, frequent centenarians, centenarians.

 To regularly eat fresh basil, does not necessarily have a suburban area or to buy the grass in the store. Reyhan grows well in a pot, and its seeds are sold in any specialty store. When grown indoors basil usually "forgets" that in our climate is the annual plant. It is unpretentious, feels good even at low light conditions, and forms a lush bushes, the leaves of which can pluck and eat every day, enriching the family diet is delicious and extremely useful spicy greens.
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