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» » Eggshell and health

Eggshell and health

Eggshell and health

Everyone knows that the most common metabolic disorder is lack of calcium, mainly in the bones. The result of this violation, it rickets and abnormal growth of teeth in children, spinal curvature, bad teeth, brittle bones in the elderly. Violation of calcium metabolism leads to anemia, frequent colds, various kinds of allergies, herpes on the lips, poor resistance to radiation. For women, calcium deficiency threatens the appearance of whiter, weak labor contractions, uterine muscle atonia. It is very difficult to get rid of disorders of calcium metabolism, since the preparations used in this case - calcium chloride, gypsum, chalk - poorly absorbed by the body.

As a result of research that was conducted Hungarian doctors, it was shown that the shell eggs is 90% calcium carbonate (calcium carbonate), that it is very easy to digest and the body. And it's not all, contained in the shell desired minerals such as copper, fluoride, iron, manganese, molybdenum, phosphorus, sulfur, zinc, silicon and many other elements are 27! Since our daily diet, it contains very little silicon and molybdenum, and they are necessary for normal biochemical reactions in the body, then use the shell very helpful.

The composition of human bones and teeth, is very similar to the composition of eggshell, stimulates the bone marrow hematopoietic function, which is very important in the case of radiation injury. Taking regularly shredded shells of eggs, you get a high therapeutic activity, no side effects, no bacterial contamination. In contrast to the shell eggs, shell of duck eggs are not suitable for use. It often infected.

Very useful for shell eggs for small children. Drink it should be a one year, as in children rapidly growing bone tissue, and this requires constant intake of calcium. When rickets and anemia, it is very useful to add chopped, egg shells in baby food.

Based on the findings, Dr. Krompeher advises:

Use the shell during pregnancy as prophylaxis;
In adolescence and adolescence (do19-20);
Especially recommended for children aged one to six years;
As prophylaxis biannually adult use, in order to prevent the spine disease, dental caries and osteoporosis;

It is very useful to apply the shell as a means which outputs the radionuclides, since it does not allow to accumulate in the bone marrow of strontium-90 nuclei (use of 2 to 6 grams per day).

Dosing eggshell is light enough. Pre eggs washed in warm soapy water, then rinse thoroughly. Most often, special sterilization is required. To prepare shell children must be placed for 5 minutes in boiling water. Shell of boiled hard-boiled eggs, also can be used. It is less active, but held sterilized during cooking. To apply you need - from 1.5 to 3 grams daily, taking into account age. The shell can be milled in a mortar or in a coffee grinder. However, in a coffee grinder medicine a less active. Eat well at breakfast, adding cheese or cereal. In the West, powder eggs are sold in pharmacies since 1970.
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