This juice reduces joint pain
Ingredients: 1 medium-sized cucumber; 1 cup diced pineapple; 1 grapefruit; 2 inches ginger root; water.
Preparation: Clean the ingredients and then mix them in a blender and your drink is ready! Drink before meals every day, and you will feel much better soon.
Cucumber has diuretic properties, which can prevent the formation of kidney stones. It can also help in the removal of uric acid from the body and prevent inflammation in the joints. Cucumber is one of the best remedies against the crystallization of uric acid.
Ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, which can help your body get rid of toxins.
Grapefruit is rich in vitamin C, which can greatly reduce pain in the joints. The fruit contains calcium, which is great for people suffering from osteoarthritis.
A pineapple.
Pineapple contains bromelain, a powerful anti-inflammatory component, which can relieve pain in the joints.