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How to treat panic attacks

They are completely missing. Everything is designed for fast self-help for the treatment of vascular dystonia, if suddenly something will happen to you out there on the street, will cover the attack of a panic attack. And so you can hold out until the arrival of an ambulance or doplestis home, and you need to wear a little medicine. For the ease of which the soul of the presence of several small circles in your pocket! What a huge confidence seizes you when you grope them in your pocket. One of their presence nearby, gives you enormous power.

It often happens that you have there is a terrible animal panic, and panic attacks at the thought that you have forgotten these saving home tablet. How to get rid of the fear of death, not having at hand saving irreplaceable reserve? Just a man put on another jacket, and the woman took her other purse. This is a really strong reason for the seizure of any medical condition.
Although VSDshnika with the experience of several years, in every part of the form and wear clothes in each bag must lie alone in the form of an untouchable reserve, a harmless set. Why is harmless? Read, watch and remember.

Glitsised (glycine) comprises the amino acid glycine (aminoacetic acid), which is in a natural state in the human body and causes, through the nerve receptors, inhibitory effect on the processes in the central nervous system. So he has a mild sedative (sedative) and anxiolytic effects, as well normalizes sleep and reduces irritability. Per day (daily dose) may not take more than 6-7 tablets of 100 mg. Drug addiction causes, prescribed to both adults and children from 3 years. If this medication is helping you, then you are a very healthy person. One caveat. Prolonged use of this drug in patients with low blood pressure, you must control it for the selection of a desired dosage.

Validol consists of menthol (peppermint extract, the same mints) and iso-valeric alcohol. Menthol irritates the nerve receptors in the mucosa under the tongue and causes the unconditioned reflex. Why is irritation of the nerve endings under the tongue, causing such action is in the heart and brain, no one can answer. But virtually instantaneously through nerve fibers, resulting in irritation, dilate blood vessels of the heart and brain. More blood comes to those bodies, more oxygen and nutrients to the brain and heart. Taking place heartache and pain in the head. No side effects no. Those mints, but called by different names. But if taken frequently, you have to increase the dose, just Organon accustomed to this irritation. If this medication relieves you panic and panic attacks, think myself how terrible disease you can be sick?

Corvalol (another name valokordin) comprises peppermint oil and ethyl alpha-bromo-iso-valeric acid (almost the same as with bromine validol only), to which is added one of the oldest tranquilizers - phenobarbital (Luminal another name). How does it work? Peppermint Oil reflex extends the vessels of the heart and brain. A bromide and phenobarbital removed the fear, anxiety and calm, that is have a sedative and tranquilizing effect. What does this action is written a little lower. This medication is not advised to take a long time. After all, he did not heal, and damage due to phenobarbital and bromide brings significant. Furthermore, long reception leads to accumulation of bromine that can cause respiratory disease, chronic liver and kidney poisoning, allergies and problems with sexual function in men.

Its use is prohibited in all countries except the former Soviet republics. Just imagine that phenobarbital was invented exactly 100 years ago. As you are the prospects for the treatment of a century of medicine. From him more harm than good. Moreover, abrupt withdrawal korvalola, after a long and regular admission may cause intensification of symptoms by which this medication is taken, this withdrawal syndrome korvalola. Can worsen anxiety, depression and insomnia. Better take glitsised and validol.
But there is a plus. If your terrible pain in the stomach or the heart, relieve 30-40 korvalola drops and panic passes, then you have no scary diseases. It's just maketh steep turns dystonia and you need to know it in person.

Gidazepam and Phenazepamum this tranquilizers. They have the following effects on the human body:

- Antianxiety (anxiolytic);

- Anticonvulsant;

- Calming (sedative);

- Relaxing skeletal muscles (muscle relaxant);


At long reception drug and can cause psychological dependence, which is characterized by a constant increase in the dose of the drug. But the emergence of this condition does not need to be afraid at VSD. If you take medication for a long time in the same dose, and it helps you, then it can not be a relationship. Just the medicine helps you to live. As pressurized man all his life taking medications reduce pressure. But if you use tranquilizers uncontrollably and in different amounts, then a real danger exists. Therefore, appoint a course of no more than 3-4 weeks. With a sharp lifting of tranquilizers, can be observed withdrawal of tranquilizers. They soothe the human nervous system and remove anxiety and fear of death, when there is panic. These medications do not help, if a person does have a mental illness. When mental illness help drugs stronger, from the group of neuroleptics, which, despite the human desire to forcibly make him a vegetable-shaped individual.

At the reception of tranquilizers, you need to keep yourself from doing work related to the need of increased attention and quick reaction to what is happening around you. So you can not get behind the wheel and drive a car, work with potentially dangerous electrical appliances, after taking fenazepama. But from experience I can say that it all depends on the dose. Receiving one tablet per day of the drug, practically does not interfere with normal life.

What this means is if the medication from the group of tranquilizers to help you? And this means only one thing, that you are a normal person and a mental illness you do not. And if you help with glitsised korvalola then certainly there was not, not only mental but also physical illness.

Therefore welcome any medication, except for neuroleptics, when you were covering an attack of panic attack creates only the appearance of the treatment. If you do not take anything from the above, an attack of panic attack will still go on for about an hour and will pass on their own. But you need to be patient course. But the next attack will be much easier. I went through it myself, and I can help to get rid of panic attacks and you.

How to treat an attack of panic attack?

What and in what doses of these medicines can be taken to facilitate, when you covered the wet blanket?

Validol 1-2 tablets under the tongue to complete resorption.

Glitsised from 1 to 5 tablets under the tongue to complete resorption. As validol and glitsised not need to take all the pills at once, but one by one, one after another.

Corvalol from 30 to 50 drops of an alcoholic solution of the drug to dissolve in a half glasses of plain water and make sure once. Repeated reception korvalola is possible not earlier than one hour.

Gidazepam, Phenazepamum from 1 to 3 tablets swallowed with water and not chewed, can be taken under the tongue. Take not all at once, but one by one and the same drug or gidazepam or fenazepama. The preparation starts to operate during 10 to 30 minutes.

Anaprilin Sometimes patients in a fit of panic attacks associated with a VSD on hypertonic type, take this medicine. It belongs to the group of beta-blockers. Its action is to block the work excited the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. It normalizes the heart rate, reduces the heart rate and lowers blood pressure. And this action of the patient calms down a bit. But the drug has no effect on anxiety and panic. Take it if you can fit no more than 1-2 tablets at a dose of 0.01 g. It is forbidden to take it with bradycardia - a low heart rate, 60 beats per minute, for persons older than 60 years, in violation of the conduction (blockade phenomena) in the heart.

I advise you not to take Inderal with a panic attack. You can just eat out of fear of a few extra pills of this drug and get atrioventricular block heart that, take my word, much worse than a simple panic attack.

When fit food particles can cause additional problems. Therefore desirable to take during a panic attack any food, except for a simple glass of water with sugar.

Treatment of drug panic attack attack on this part. All other infusions and decoctions of herbs (motherwort, hawthorn, valerian), any other treatments just are not able to quickly and safely remove the attack. A stronger medication to take is strictly prohibited without a doctor's prescription. Why? Because the same, I do not advise taking Inderal. If you suddenly do not swallow 3 and 10 tablets fenazepama or twice korvalola and glitsiseda, you just "poplyvёsh" drop account will block, you can fall asleep. But nothing terrible will happen. After a while, you are sure to wake up. That way we can not guarantee at this overdose of propranolol.
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