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9 tips for taking vitamins

9 tips for taking vitamins

What vitamins did not take, and what are not? Recent studies suggest the following:

Multivitamins: none; everything you need can be obtained at the expense of a balanced diet

For decades it was assumed that taking multivitamins is playing a crucial role in maintaining health. Vitamin C - to "support the immune system," Vitamin A - for the protection of, vitamin B - for tone. All this is contained in the food you eat. Moreover, according to the research, an overabundance of these vitamins can cause harm. The study was conducted in 2011, which was attended by about 39 thousand women over 25 years old. It was found that among those who for a long time took multivitamins, the risk of mortality was significantly higher than in those who did not accept.

Vitamin D: yes; it keeps bones strong and hard to get food

Vitamin D is not found in most common foods, but it is a critical element that helps the body absorb calcium, due to which the bones retain firmness. Sunlight stimulates the production of vitamin D in the body, but in the winter to get enough sunlight is problematic. Several recent studies have shown that people who every day take vitamin D, on average, live longer than those who do not accept.

Antioxidants: none; their surplus believe the cause of the development of certain cancers, the same can instead eat berries

Vitamins A, C and E - are antioxidants that are found in many fruits, berries and vegetables, and they are credited with the ability to protect the body against cancer. However, studies indicate that antioxidants can be harmful if overdosed. Extensive long-term study among male smokers found that those who took vitamin A, are more likely to fell ill with lung cancer than those who did not accept. Overview of testing several different types of supplements with antioxidants, which was released in 2007, reads: "Reception of beta-carotene, vitamin A and vitamin E may increase mortality."

Vitamin C: none; he is unlikely to help with colds, and instead you can eat citrus fruits

Fever over the C vitamin, which began with the hypothesis chemist Linus Pauling, launched in 1970, just fashion. Studies, one after another showed that vitamin C or very little effect, if any, does not affect the prevention of colds. In addition, the huge doses - from 2 thousand milligrams or more - may increase the risk of kidney stones. Therefore it is better to get the necessary amount of vitamin C from food, such as strawberries.

Vitamin B3: no; it is found in salmon, tuna and beet

For years, vitamin B3 touted as a cure for all diseases, including Alzheimer's disease and heart failure. However, recent research has put an end to widespread recommendations of the substance. a large-scale study was conducted in 2014, which was attended by 25 thousand people with heart failure. It showed that long-term use of vitamin B3 to improve the level of "good" cholesterol in the blood is not reduced the number of heart attacks, strokes and deaths. Moreover, participants in the study who took the drug were more prone to infections, problems with the liver and internal bleeding than those who took a placebo.

Probiotics: none; science is not yet sufficiently developed in order to have any significant benefit, better eat yogurt

Probiotics - it's expensive supplements, whose price may be more than one dollar per pill. But these same substances can be obtained naturally, using yogurt or other fermented products. In 2012, the market for these supplements is estimated at 23.1 billion dollars. Their essence is simple: to support trillions of bacteria living in the gut, which, as we know, played a crucial role in the body's health. But to realize this idea in practice turned out to be much more difficult. While the effect of probiotics is unclear. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it does not. Therefore it is better to lean on dairy products, rather than on expensive pills of dubious effectiveness.

Zinc: yes; this is one of the few substances that help to speed up recovery from colds

Unlike vitamin C, which, according to studies, does not prevent or treat the common cold, zinc is worth taking it. This mineral prevents reproduction of rhinoviruses that cause the common cold. In a study of 2011, which was attended by people newly ill with colds, scientists have observed for those who started taking zinc, and compared them with those who took a placebo. The subjects who took zinc, recovered quickly, and they were less severe complications.

Vitamin E: No; its surplus increases the risk of developing certain types of cancer, also it is contained in sufficient quantities in spinach

The antioxidant vitamin E has become popular due to the alleged ability to protect against cancer. However, a large study conducted in 2011 among 36 000 men found that the risk of developing prostate cancer in fact turned out to be greater among those taking the E vitamin, than among placebo. A 2005 study shows the connection of large doses of vitamin E with an increase in the risk of death. If you are missing the E vitamin, do yourself a salad of spinach and discard pills.

Folic acid: yes; take it during pregnancy or if you wish to become pregnant

Folic acid - a vitamin B group, which the body uses to build new cells. The US National Institute of Health recommends that pregnant women or women wishing to become pregnant consume 400 micrograms of folic acid per day because their body needs more of this element during the gestation. In addition, several large studies have shown that folic acid intake before and during pregnancy reduces the risk of neural tube defects, as well as serious and life-threatening birth defects of the brain and spinal cord and spine in children.
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