How to Prevent Glaucoma: 7 Important Things You Need to Know

Glaucoma is an eye disease that slowly creep up to damage the optic nerve, eventually causing loss of vision. Feared for being worldwide second foremost cause of blindness, we should be alert and well-informed about it. During the early stages, glaucoma often produces zero symptoms, with an estimated 2 million Americans potential suffering from it, without realizing that they actually have it.
The gradual nature of vision loss, it’s no wonder that it is dubbed as the “silent thief of sight”. More often than not, the disease would have to reach its later, more severe stage before the apparent vision loss and it might be too late by then, the damage might have been permanent.
Prevention is the best medicine. Learn how to prevent glaucoma and protect your precious vision early.
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The Health Benefits of Ginger-Carrot Juice

Ginger and carrot juice combined are a bit of a staple when it comes to healthy fruit juices. Professional and amateur juicers alike swear by the benefits of the tangy, sweet drink. But why exactly is the drink so popular with health fans? Let’s explore what the two ingredients can help you do together.
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Natural Cancer Killer That is 10x Stronger Than the Chemo Therapy

The fruit from the guyabano/Graviola tree or the Sour Sop is an amazing natural cancer killer that is 10,000 times stronger than the Chemo.
You are wondering why we don’t know these. Well, that is because those big corporations want to get back their money spent for researches about making a synthetic version of it for sale.
You can drink the soursop juice from time to time as a prevention, and don’t worry the taste is not bad. It is natural and doesn’t have side effects. If you have a garden, plant it there.
How many people already died of cancer while these billion-dollar drug makers hide the secret of the powerful Graviola tree?
These Diseases Are All Caused by Microwave Ovens, and You’ve Probably Ignored Them!

The magnetron is a special tube which produced microwave power created by two scientists in World War II.
In combination with the radar system of Britain, these microwaves had the capacity to locate the Nazi airplanes and foiled an attempted bombing.
After few years, these microwaves were found to be able to cook food, by Percy LeBaron Spencer, a member of the military industrial complex known as Raytheon Company. Namely, radar waves melted a candy bar he kept in his pocket.
This eventually led to the creation of the Radar Range, which was the first microwave oven, in extremely large proportions.
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Traditional Chinese Medicine: What Does You TONGUE Say About You?

Chinese tongue diagnosis is an essential tool used by TCM practitioners. Your tongue plays a unique role in understanding your body’s constitution; it is the only organ that is both interior AND exterior. Examining your tongue can tell you everything about your organs and the state of your health. A healthy tongue is naturally pink and has a thin white coating (first in the diagram). Signs to look for are the shape and size, color, and coating.
Do You Have Qi Deficiency? + How To Heal With Food

Qi is the term used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to describe your body’s vital life energy. Qi is necessary for all life processes: proper organ function, circulation of blood, metabolism of body fluid, growth and development, warming the body, defending against illness, and transforming food into energy.
The Qi that is presently in your body is a combination of your genetic makeup at conception, how you have lived your life since birth (diet, habits, emotions, trauma), and your daily intake of food and air. Because of our polluted modern environment, many people are suffering from Qi deficiency.
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101 ways to use essential oils
Essential oils have been used for thousands of years in various cultures for medicinal and health purposes. Essential oil uses range from aromatherapy, household cleaning products, personal beauty care and natural medicine treatments.

The particles in essential oils come from distilling or extracting the different parts of plants, including the flowers, leaves, bark, roots, resin and peels. In ancient times, Jews and Egyptians made essential oils by soaking the plants in oil and then filtering the oil through a linen bag.

Essential oil benefits come from their antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. These healing oils are rapidly growing in popularity because they act as natural medicine without any side effects. Ready to harness the power of the world’s most proven therapeutic compounds? Then let’s talk about 101 ways to use these amazing essential oils.
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Stevia – A Natural Sweetener With Proven Health Benefits

Refined sugar is incredibly harmful.
For this reason, people are looking for healthy alternatives.
There are many low-calorie sweeteners on the market, but most of them are artificial.
However, there are a few natural sweeteners out there that taste just as good.
One of these is stevia, a sweetener that has become immensely popular in recent years.
Stevia is a 100% natural, zero calorie sweetener with a number of health benefits that have been confirmed in human studies.
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5 Easy Yoga Asanas That Will Cure Your Back Pain Quickly

Did you know that the spinal cord is responsible, in some way or the other, to keep the whole body together and healthy? It is the root that strengthens and keeps the body erect. But thanks to our sedentary, unhealthy lifestyles, most of us are stuck with a whole lot of back problems, sciatica included. Being a victim of a weak spine myself, I know how difficult it can be to cope with the pain. What’s more? A bad posture and a paunch.
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The Health Benefits of Ginger Tea

“Everything good is found in ginger,” states an old Indian proverb. That’s why Ayurveda often refers to ginger as a universal medicine. Chinese medicine, the other most ancient yet living tradition, also turns to ginger medicinally because it restores Yang, or hot energy. Currently, India and China produce most of the world’s ginger because it grows best in warm, damp areas.

The aromatic, spicy root has long been used in both traditional and Western healing systems to make tea. Ginger tea brings with it a host of powerful health benefits.
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