Four Different Ways To Burn 700 Calories

What’s so special about the number 700? If you can burn 700 calories a day (keeping all other things equal), you’ll lose one pound of body weight over five days. There are many ways to burn calories, but a workout that burns this many calories is going to be intense — so you’ll want to check with your physician before you start. Don’t be afraid to break the workout into either multiple sessions over a few days. Just keep at it! Here are workouts you can do to burn 700 calories, if you’re up to the challenge.
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How Fit Are You? Check Your Fitness Level With These 4 Simple Tests

Assessing your fitness level isn’t always easy, because “fitness” incorporates many different physical elements, including cardio, strength, balance and flexibility. An excellent basketball player may not be the best long-distance runner, and a wrestler may not necessarily be a great competitive swimmer (or vice versa); yet all four of these athletes would be considered rather fit.
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It Matters What Time You Exercise: Muscles Have Circadian Rhythm

New research adds a biological reason why daytime workouts are better — and it has more to do with your body’s circadian rhythm than your ability to fall asleep.
Your body is intricately in tune with daily cycles of light and darkness, right down to your muscles. Research by scientists at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, revealed that muscles have their own internal clocks and, as a result, function better during the day than they do at night.
Your workout could yield different fitness results depending on the time of day, with daytime exercise being preferable to nighttime workouts.
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Emotional Support Animal

Humans have undoubtedly been drawn to dogs for centuries not only because of their usefulness for certain types of physical work but also because of their ability to offer emotional support.

Today we have the science to back up what many people have known all along — that having an animal nearby somehow makes stressful situations, and negative feelings and emotions, better.
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10 Healthiest Dog Breeds

If you have an active lifestyle , there are energetic breeds well suited for that.
You may be just the opposite, leading a quiet life with long walks and good books, and perhaps a dog would be a welcome buddy. But whatever type of dog fits your lifestyle, you want him to be as vigorous as possible. What breeds are the healthiest and what physical conditions should you look for?
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Top Tips for Moving With Pets

Move to a new home turns your pet’s familiar world upside down, it can be stressful, to say the least. What’s worse for pets than moving to a new home, however, is being relinquished to a shelter instead of moving with their owners.
Twenty-nine percent of cat owners and 19 percent of dog owners said they had to give up their pet because they were moving to a new home or apartment.
While there are some cases when a move necessitates finding a new home for your pet, in most cases you can easily take your pet with you if you plan far enough in advance (which is my recommendation!).
This is why the first “rule” of moving with pets is to make sure the home you’re moving to allows pets. Some homeowners’ associations and landlords have limits on the number, size and type of pets allowed, so do your research ahead of time and choose a home that is pet friendly.
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Broccoli - The World's Healthiest Foods

Eating plenty of fresh vegetables (ideally organic to avoid pesticides) is a foundational aspect of a healthy diet, and can help lower your risk for many chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes,1 heart disease, stroke and certain cancers.

Besides being rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, vegetables also contain antioxidants and disease-fighting compounds you won’t find in other foods, especially not processed foods.

Certain plant compounds also have potent anti-aging effects. Broccoli, for example, which is probably best known for its anti-cancer activity, also contains an enzyme researchers believe may slow age-related decline in health by restoring your metabolism to more youthful levels.
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To whom and why you need to eat  cranberry

Diversify your diet autumn food can be seasonal products. Just in November ripen cranberries having a characteristic sour taste and bright red color. Berry contains virtually no calories, they are in it for about 18 to 100 grams, so it can be considered a mega-useful for those people who want to lose weight or to maintain the shape.
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