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» » Cleansing the blood of parasites 3 tested folk remedies

Cleansing the blood of parasites 3 tested folk remedies

Cleansing the blood of parasites 3 tested folk remedies

Other parasites that cause severe frustration, defeat, destruction of the internal organs and the general toxicosis of an organism - worms or worms.

Traditional medicine uses various methods of blood purification from pathogenic microorganisms and worms. Firstly, it is necessary to clean the body of toxins and mucus, which are a breeding ground and habitat for parasites. Secondly, the parasites can not stand the bitter taste: for example, tarragon, garlic, onion disastrous for them. Third, fasting and Urinotherapy acidifying the body, thereby depriving the parasite habitat. If a week apply these methods properly combining them, it is possible to achieve a blood purification from pathogenic microorganisms and worms.

-. Brew sage grass at the rate of 1 teaspoon per cup of boiling water. Infuse for 10 minutes, strain and drink a cup 3 times a day. Douche same infusion.

Cleansing the blood of parasites 3 tested folk remedies

- Put on the night garlic enema. To do this, boil in a glass of milk a head of garlic, drain and cool. Adults - a cup of broth, the children - 1/2 cup.

- Expelling worms using onion juice. Chop a large onion, pour 1 liter of water, tightly close the lid and let stand overnight. Drinking on an empty stomach.
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