» Materials for November 2017 year » Page 3

You may have heard about prune juice for babies or older adults, but this purple-colored drink is breaking old stereotypes and gaining a whole new following. Don’t be mistaken, the health benefits of prune juice still include constipation relief, but that is not all it can offer. Made from prunes (also known as dried plums), prune juice is packed full of beneficial nutrients, antioxidants, and phytochemicals that can support your health from head to toe.

If you are looking for natural ways to support healthy digestion, bone growth, colon function, heart health, and more, then you need to give prune juice a chance. Below, we will explore all the health benefits of prune juice, who should drink it, and how to make your own organic prune juice at home.
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Proteins are known as the building blocks of life: In the body, they break down into amino acids that promote cell growth and repair. (They also take longer to digest than carbohydrates, helping you feel fuller for longer and on fewer calories—a plus for anyone trying to lose weight.) You probably know that animal products—meat, eggs and dairy—are good sources of protein; unfortunately, they can also be high in saturated fat and cholesterol. What you may not know is that you don't need to eat meat or cheese to get enough protein.
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Chlorophyll refers to the phytochemical that gives plants their green color and pigmentation. This chemical is responsible for absorbing solar energy to facilitate photosynthesis, a process in which plants convert energy from sunlight into sugars. You can get chlorophyll from green vegetables or through liquid supplementation purchased from vitamin stores. Chlorophyll provides nutritional benefits to the body and helps keep you healthy.Chlorophyll is linked to natural cancer prevention, blocks carcinogenic effects within the body and protects DNA from damage caused by toxic molds like aflatoxin — very similar to way in which chlorophyll-rich chlorella has anticancer effects.
And that’s just one of the major chlorophyll benefits for human health, all of which help cleanse the body and allow it to function at an optimal level.
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Did you know that some of the foods in your kitchen may very well be anti-aging foods that can improve your quality of life?
That’s right, you may have the fountain of youth in your kitchen.
Modern culture is so obsessed with remaining youthful that people pay extreme amounts of money to have operations performed to make them appear younger.
However, what most people don’t understand is that youth and vitality are a side effect of good health, and there’s no operation that can help you maintain that as well as proper self care will.
Actually, one of the best ways to keep yourself vibrant and youthful is to eat a diet rich in anti-aging foods.
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Probiotics are live microorganisms that have health benefits when consumed
These are usually beneficial bacteria that serve some function in the body.
Probiotics have all sorts of powerful benefits for your body and brain.
They may improve digestive health, reduce depression and promote heart health
Some evidence even suggests that they may give you better looking skin
Getting probiotics from supplements is popular, but you can also get them from foods that are prepared by bacterial fermentation (fermented foods).
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Awareness of the gut microbiota—and its impact on health—has had a profound impact on wellness over the last decade or so. And if you’re like most health-conscience consumers, you’re probably using foods and supplements to support digestion and promote microbial diversity. After all, when it’s all said and done, we all want the friendly microbes in our intestines to thrive and produce healthy benefits.
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Fibroids are an often misunderstood women’s health problem.

They are non-cancerous tumors that appear in and around the uterus, and are responsible for pain, infertility, and in some cases, require a hysterectomy.

While they can sometimes be symptomless, most women will experience discomfort from them at some point, which leads many women to ask if there are natural ways to address them instead of only surgical options.

You’re probably aware of the multitude of benefits of apple cider vinegar for humans.

The fact that it can help with weight loss, digestion, and bacterial infections being just a few.

However, it turns out that your pooch can also cash in on these benefits (and many more). Keep reading to discover how this natural remedy can improve your dog’s health.
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