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» » Vegetable marrow: structure, benefits and properties of of courgettes, squash diet

Vegetable marrow: structure, benefits and properties of of courgettes, squash diet

The useful part of zucchini
Courgettes, especially when they are young can without exaggeration be called natural medicine. They not only pulp contains protein and carbohydrates, but also carotene, ascorbic acid, vitamin B, pectins, inorganic salts of magnesium, potassium, calcium, and iron. In the taverns of potassium salts in 1.5 times more than the cabbage. Due to the low content of fiber marrows are used for dietary nutrition. Squash is very low in calories, they contain about 20 calories per 100 g
Courgettes retain a significant amount of useful properties even after long storage, so help strengthen immunity almost throughout the year.

Courgettes in cooking
Typically, squash amenable to thermal treatment, they stewed, roasted, used for making salads, marinated, stuffed, used as a garnish for meat and fish dishes. Courgettes even used for preparation of compotes with the addition of plum, with this combination of zucchini become delicate flavor of pineapple.

The most useful are considered small unripe fruits 20-25 cm long, which are used together with the skin. But especially valuable nutritional qualities have very young zucchini, edible raw. When the squash is fully ripe, they can be eaten only after processing.

Vegetable marrow: structure, benefits and properties of of courgettes, squash diet

Young fruits have the best taste and is very easily absorbed by the body. Courgettes are a part of the children's menu, they are included in the diet of patients and rehabilitated, as well as people who have problems with the digestive system. Easy digestibility of vegetable and low calorie courgette made popular in weight loss diets.

Healing properties and benefits of zucchini
The high content of vitamin C in the pubs and carotene causes their restorative properties. Courgettes help to normalize the water-salt metabolism and cleanse the blood, they have an active diuretic effect and helps the body get rid of excess water and salt. The high content in these vegetables pectin helps their rapid digestion and excretion of sodium salts of the body, and the "bad" cholesterol. Dishes cooked zucchini are shown in cholecystitis, hepatitis, cholelithiasis, hypertension, chronic colitis, atherosclerosis, chronic nephritis and pyelonephritis.

The dish is called "squash caviar" is useful in gout, kidney stones and metabolic disorders.

Cell sap - a natural fluid, which consists of zucchini, which nourishes the body and perfectly assimilated by 90%.

Courgettes help the heart and blood vessels, they are due to the higher content of potassium and magnesium nourish the heart muscle. The iron content improves properties of blood and enriching it with oxygen, which in turn helps the body cope with stress.

Small pubs fiber content makes them useful for those patients who have undergone surgery of the gastrointestinal tract.

Courgettes are useful for kidney health, as it promotes the excretion of excess fluid, so it is recommended squash diet with increased swelling. Dietary food with high content of zucchini also recommended after the application of emergency measures helps cleanse the body after intoxication.

For the health of the liver, with the stagnation of bile squash are also useful, as well unload liver and shows even cholecystitis.
Sugar contained in pubs and trace elements beneficial to diabetics. And the properties of zucchini, promotes excretion of excess salt, used for arthritis, as well as regular use of this vegetable to eat, help improve joint function. To rid the body of toxins is enough for a week every day to eat more than 200 grams of zucchini.

Thanks all the same properties zucchini deduce excess liquid they help women to cope with such a problem as cellulite. And if the flesh zucchini used for external use, it can be an excellent whitening and skin anti-aging agent.

To keep the maximum number of pubs in natural antioxidants, substances that help the body fight aging, they should be subjected to the least long-term heat treatment. The ideal solution would be 10 minutes in the oven or a short quenching.

Due to its low calorie squash are the vegetables that can be eaten in unlimited amounts, they increase intestinal motility, so the extra weight in this case is not threatened. Every day can eat half a kilogram is easy and useful product.

squash cosmetics
To prepare the masks need to squash squash juice and eggs. Pulp zucchini need to rub and squeeze the juice out of it. In a teaspoon Pumpkin juice you want to add the mashed yolks and mix thoroughly. This mask is applied to the face for 15-20 min., After which it must be removed with a cotton pad soaked in warm and then in cold water.

squash diet
Subject squash diet is important to follow some rules. For example, zucchini choose dark green and for cooking they do not need to clean the peel as it contains the maximum amount of vitamins and trace elements. With a diet based on courgettes should be required to use other vegetables and fruits. It is also necessary to include in the diet protein products, of which preferred poultry and fish. But some products are absolutely excluded, for example, alcohol, confectionery, sugar, bakery products, sausages and smoked meats.

Contraindications to the use zucchini
Do not abuse the courgettes with kidney disease, are associated with a disturbed output of potassium organism.
In its raw form can not be used zucchini gastric ulcer and gastritis with high acidity.
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