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» » Pineapple juice and its unique properties

Pineapple juice and its unique properties

Pineapple juice and its unique properties

Composition pineapple juice

Pineapple juice is rich chemical composition, it contains:

Vitamin A - essential for normal vision; It provides health skin and hair.

Vitamin B1 - improves metabolic processes in cells.

Vitamin B5 - without it can not be a full exchange of amino acids, fats and carbohydrates

Ascorbic acid - antioxidant, without it does not do any process in the body.

Sodium, potassium - on the balance of these elements depends on the work of the myocardium and cell metabolism.

Calcium - the building material for bones and teeth of man.

Phosphorus - maintains a tooth and bone.

Magnesium - performs the function of regulating the nervous system responsible for the contractile muscle performance.

Iron - is impossible without functioning hematopoietic system.

Dietary fiber - are necessary to ensure the useful life of the intestinal microflora.

The unique properties of pineapple

The most important and unique component of the drink pineapple - Bromelain - enzyme involved in many of the body's vital processes. Bromelain has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti, immunomodulatory actions; cleaves proteins and burns fat, removes from the body toxins and promotes skin cell renewal. The peculiarity of the enzyme - the complete destruction by heat treatment, so to get the maximum benefit from receiving pineapple juice it is necessary to drink freshly squeezed.

Useful properties of pineapple juice

With regular use of the juice from the pineapple will help alleviate the condition with such problems:

Reduced memory and attention.

The predisposition to atherosclerosis.

High blood pressure.


Reduced immunity, beriberi.

Excess weight.

Kidney and Pancreas

Digestive problems.

Reduced potency.


Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Pineapple juice and its unique properties

How to drink pineapple juice

Pineapple juice drunk as before eating and after. Fasting adopted, it has a positive effect on the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract; if you drink juice after a meal, will not have a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

Drink a drink through a straw, as the acid contained in it can destroy tooth enamel. If the tube is not present, after taking should rinse your mouth with water.

The recommended daily drinking 200 to 500 ml of juice, it can be used not only in pure form, but also combined with other drinks.

Pineapple diet for weight loss involves the reception of up to 1 liter of juice a day.

Medical recipes with pineapple juice

With a cold in a blender crushed pieces of fresh pineapple, add 150 g pulp 100 ml kvass and a little lemon juice. Drink throughout the day, spreading on a 3-4 reception.
For the treatment of potency disorders prepared drink of pineapple, mango and kiwi. Fruits are mixed in a blender and drink the juice with pulp.
Vitamin cocktail: nonacidic 200 ml of yogurt and pineapple juice was mixed with 100 ml of carrot juice was added to taste sugar, whipped to a foam mixer arrives. Instead of yogurt, you can use milk.
Mask for skin cleansing: 10g of chopped pineapple pulp is mixed with 10 ml pineapple juice, add a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of oat flour. The mixture is applied to the face and neck for 10 minutes.
In cooking, pineapple juice is used as a marinade and sauce for meat, vegetable dishes and desserts prepared with it.
Getting pineapple juice

To obtain high-quality beverage is selected large heavy pineapples with well perceptible aroma. On the surface of the fruit should not be stains and traces of mold.

Pineapple peeled, removing the eyes from the seed; flesh cut into pieces and using a manual or electric juicer juice is obtained. It is desirable to drink immediately after cooking, as it very quickly bacteria multiply.

How to choose a good pineapple juice

If you can not cook fresh juice, you can buy in the shops ready to drink. To select a quality product, you must follow some rules:

Select the juice in glass bottles. This is because the glass - the material is more environmentally friendly than other types of packages besides it is possible to see through the color and consistency of the juice. The only drawback of glass containers - it passes the sun's rays, which have a negative impact on the quality of the beverage, so you need to pay attention to its storage conditions.
Carefully read the composition of the product: high-quality juice must not contain sugar and flavors. Presence of ascorbic acid - a natural preservative.

If the beverage proved a bitter taste, so for its production using low-quality pineapples: buy the juice is no longer needed.

Contraindications to the use of juice

Individual intolerance.

The aggravation of gastric ulcer.

Gastritis with high acidity.

1st and 2nd trimester of pregnancy, breast-feeding.

Children under 3 years old. Pineapple juice is allowed to use a small amount of infant formula with only the year and in a mixture with other juices.
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