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The use of birch sap

The use of birch sap

The composition and the use of birch sap

In the birch sap contains a small amount of chemical substances: vitamin C, vitamins of group B, some minerals (sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium), a bit of tannins and volatile production. provide the beverage taste of sugar and organic acid.

Despite the seemingly simple composition, the juice has a significant effect on the body and is recommended for use under such conditions:

Reduced immunity, beriberi.

Colds and the recovery period.

Increased mental and physical exertion.

Edema, including in pregnant women.

The intoxication of the organism with harmful substances.

Any chronic disease.

Diseases of the stomach and intestines.


Urolithiasis disease.

Skin diseases, festering wounds.

Metabolic disorders.

Preparation of birch sap

Birch sap is collected in spring in the beginning of sap flow, before blooming leaves on the birches. On the trunks of mature trees make small holes into which is inserted at an angle grooves, and put a special container to collect the juice. Since one tree obtained from three to seven liters of beverage a day. After collecting the juice hole in the trunk of obscure garden pitch or clog with moss, the tree is not killed.

Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to receive birch sap so, so you can buy ready-made drink in the shops. When purchasing should pay attention to the composition: the beverage should contain a small amount of sugar and citric acid, without any other additives.

The use of birch sap

The use of birch sap

With the purpose of treatment drink fresh birch juice 200-250 ml 3 times a day before meals for one or two months. Prolonged use of the drink helps to normalize digestion, eliminates the frequent headaches, eliminate edema of different origin, will facilitate a state of chronic respiratory diseases.

Due to the removal of toxic substances from the body improves skin condition, normalizes metabolism. When using fresh juice is accelerated outward cleansing and healing of wounds and ulcers.

For the treatment of kidney stones should drink birch sap in large numbers - about a liter per day for a month. The drink has a mild diuretic effect and may eventually even stuffy dissolve stones.

Valuable action birch sap for colds: it's great thirst quencher in feverish conditions, strengthens the immune system.

In cosmetology juice is used for skin rubbing, washing hair, prone to loss.

Storage beverage

Freshly harvested juice are necessarily stored in the refrigerator, but no more than three days. Next, the juice begins to ferment and lose its flavor and medicinal properties.

The juice can be inhibited: add sugar to it, a little citric acid, brought to a boil and immediately poured into sterilized glass bottles and capped.

Also, prepare the syrup: the juice is evaporated until thick honey.

Useful for health Birch kvass: to 5 liters of birch sap is added 25 g of yeast, a tablespoon of honey or sugar, the juice of two lemons, some raisins. The drink is kept in a cool dark place for two weeks.


Birch sap has no contraindications, it can be drunk all, including children from one year.

Carefully to relate to its use in urolithiasis because of the risk of attack while moving stones.
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