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Cabbage juice

Cabbage juice

Composition of cabbage juice

Freshly squeezed juice contains a record amount of vitamin C - ascorbic acid. A special feature is its location in the cabbage as ascorbigen - stable form, which can be stored for a long time unchanged. Therefore, fresh cabbage juice can be drunk all year round, even in winter, to get the most useful drink. In a glass of juice of cabbage contains daily value of vitamin C for an adult.

Also in the beverage contains vitamin K, which is responsible for blood clotting and bone metabolism in the tissue; vitamins B, minerals (calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron, etc.).

Fresh cabbage juice - a source of vitamin rare the U, which is involved in the healing of erosive and ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane of the stomach, has a positive effect on fat metabolism, and normalizes the acidity of the stomach, reduces allergic symptoms.

When and how to use cabbage juice

Admission of fresh cabbage juice inside is recommended in such diseases:

Colitis and enterocolitis.
Gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.
Diseases of the respiratory tract.
Frequent headaches.
Liver disease.

External fresh juice is used to treat wounds and burns, inflammation of mucous membranes of the mouth, to restore tooth enamel, improve skin and hair condition.

Cabbage juice drink half an hour before a meal three times a day, starting with a single dose of 100 ml, adjusting the amount is up to 200 ml. To enhance the therapeutic effects of the juice is heated slightly, and in the treatment of diseases of the stomach necessary to dilute the drink boiled water.

To improve the taste properties of the juice can be mixed with carrot juice.

For prevention of colds is useful to drink cabbage juice mixed with honey and lemon juice.

Cabbage juice

Cooking cabbage juice

How to cook cabbage sokSok often prepared from cabbage, but you can use of red, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower. The anthocyanins of red varieties contain - substances exhibiting antitumor activity, and cauliflower contain high amounts of vitamins, amino acids and proteins, which is very valuable for weakened patients.

To prepare the juice you need to take the cabbage, peel it from the damaged leaves, cut into small pieces, removing the stalk. The preferred pressing the juice using a juicer, in its absence, you can use a meat grinder, straining the juice through cheesecloth.

It is important to remember that the cabbage juice during prolonged storage loses its healing properties, so it should be drunk immediately after preparation. In an extreme case, the beverage can be stored in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Pasteurized, pickle juice should not be: it is also a negative impact on its medicinal properties.


Upon receipt of cabbage juice may flatulence in the intestine, so you should not drink more than three glasses of juice a day.

Not recommended intake of juice in the period after surgeries in the abdomen, during breast-feeding.

Also contraindications are:

Gastritis with high acidity in the period of exacerbation.
Acute inflammatory kidney and pancreas.
Gastrointestinal bleeding.
Acute enterocolitis, diarrhea.
Postinfarction state.
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