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» » 5 fruits, which help to keep the liver and kidney health

5 fruits, which help to keep the liver and kidney health

1. Watermelon
5 fruits, which help to keep the liver and kidney health

We just love watermelon! Yes, it was he, delicious fruit that refreshes us in the summer, goes well with natural juices, it can even be used in the original dishes for our lunch and dinner.

Have you ever made a salad of spinach, cheese, walnuts, watermelon and mint? It is simply delicious!

Watermelon is one of the best fruit to cleanse the kidneys, it also improves the health of the liver, due to its incredible cleansing and diuretic properties.

Watermelon juice contains a large amount, and it is this clear juice helps better our tissue and blood flow, in turn, stimulates kidney function.

Always remember to choose only ripe watermelons. If it is unripe, or, conversely, too over-ripe, it can give us more problems than good.

5 fruits, which help to keep the liver and kidney health

2. Blueberries

The best way, which will allow us to take advantage of all the beneficial properties of blueberries, do it out of her juice. In addition, it was delicious, blueberry juice is one of the best medicines, it will help to clear our bladder, kidneys and liver seize.

Here is a list of basic useful properties of blueberries:

Bilberry is one of the best natural antioxidants and means for detoxifying the body, which we can only find in nature.

This berry is perfect for removing toxins, it helps cleanse the body and protect us from free radicals.

One of the most famous properties of blueberries is that it does not allow bacteria to attach to the walls of the bladder. Thus, these berries are very effectively heals the entire digestive tract.

5 fruits, which help to keep the liver and kidney health

3. Lemon

Lemon may be the best natural remedy that can be taken every day.

Lemon is a natural cleanser detoxifying, which will be very useful in the treatment of, for example, problems such as fatty liver.

Lemon is rich in vitamins and minerals, it's just a miracle cure that will help improve and strengthen the liver and kidneys.

Lemon Another advantage is that it aids in the decomposition into components of food when it reaches the stomach. Thus, it is even easier our digestion.

5 fruits, which help to keep the liver and kidney health

4. Apples

Green apples, red ... What is more useful? Choose the ones you like the best, because they all have amazing properties that will help you not only to take care of the liver and kidney health, but also protect your heart.

Besides the fact that apples help eliminate the "bad" cholesterol and lower triglyceride levels, they are well suited to stimulate the kidneys and liver cleanse.

Ideally, you should have one apple a day, but always remember that it should be well washed and have a thin skin, because it contains a lot of nutrients.

5 fruits, which help to keep the liver and kidney health

5. Red grapes

Choose always grapes over dark, saturated colors. Why? Because such grades contain the largest amount of antioxidants and their therapeutic properties higher than those of white grape varieties.

Grape is a natural diuretic and, moreover, helps us to purify and improve liver kidney function.

Grapes - is a vitamin bomb, full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, in addition to the fact that it is very good we derive almost all substances that are harmful to our body.

You can eat the grapes in different ways: for breakfast, add it to a cup of oatmeal or natural Greek yogurt. You can also make a very tasty salad with spinach, walnuts and, if desired, in addition to the grapes it is also possible to add the watermelon.
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