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» » How to reduce PMS through diet

How to reduce PMS through diet

The days of the cycle: 1-5

At first you become particularly emotional and sensitive to the fifth day of the cycle. Help calm nerves foods rich in magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids: spinach, tselzonernovye bread, salmon, sardines, nuts.

Days cycle: 6-13

For your hormonal cycle, the sixth day of stabilized, and you simply to remain calm. Lean on fruits and vegetables.

Days cycle: 14-17

These days, all of your senses become more receptive to external stimuli. This also applies to the taste buds - it's time to enjoy delicious delicacies like cheese of good and expensive wine.

Days cycle: 18-23

In the body, it activates the production of progestrona - the hormone responsible for the pregnancy and the deposition of fat. Work slows bowel. Now you will benefit from foods high in fat - brown rice, barley, carrots, apples.

Days cycle: 24-28

With the approach of the ICP you are increasingly want to seize something tasty. Do not forget that it is very important to eat a lot of protein during this period. Combine business with pleasure will help to ice cream and dairy desserts.
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