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» » Kefir-fruit diet for the summer minus 5 kg per week

Kefir-fruit diet for the summer minus 5 kg per week

Diet kefir-fruit diet
First breakfast. During the week, each breakfast is a glass of nonfat yogurt. You need to drink slowly, always in small sips, and yogurt should not be too cold.
Lunch. A few apples or pears, cottage cheese with herbs, cucumber.
Dinner. At lunch - okroshka on kefir. For its preparation used cucumber, boiled egg, a few radishes and herbs.
Snack. Repeats lunch, you need only ensure that the products are alternated.
Dinner. A glass of kefir, and, if desired, you can add one cucumber.
The last three days of the diet during the second breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack to eat 200 grams of lean meat or fish, it is better if they are steamed or boiled. Perfectly diversify diets will help to complete the days of seafood. First breakfast and dinner remain unchanged. Thus, the hard part of the diet of only four days. Completion of the diet is more soft and prepares the body to the usual diet.
Important! Do not limit your fluid intake: a day should drink up to 3 liters of water.
Digestive system diseases such as ulcerous gastric and intestinal diseases, gastritis with high acidity, as well as rheumatism and gout.
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