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The role of the thyroid gland in the body

The role of the thyroid gland in the human body

The thyroid gland is an important part of a complex endocrine system, along with the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, pancreas, thymus and gonads. The main role of the endocrine glands is that they produce biologically active substances - hormones.

These glands produce and secrete into the blood about 50 kinds of hormones. The thyroid gland produces only two types of hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), but no!

With their help, it regulates the body's metabolism, cardiovascular and central nervous system, and manages the psycho-emotional and sexual activity.

It is from the thyroid gland depends on the psycho-emotional state of a person, that is, if he is irritable, aggressive, hot-tempered and ready at any time to lose our nerve, or, conversely, apathetic, passive and indifferent to everything.

From these two hormones depends on body temperature, heart rate, rate of calorie burning and much more. A healthy body produces these hormones as much as is necessary for its normal operation. But, for failures of the thyroid hormones necessary starting produced more or less the norm, which is equally bad.

The role of the thyroid gland in the body

Causes and symptoms of hypothyroidism

Causes of hypothyroidism - reduced function of the thyroid gland, in which the production of hormones becomes insufficient, which is manifested by lethargy, apathy, drowsiness, chilliness, fatigue, decreased immunity and slowing metabolism.

The main symptoms of hypothyroidism, which should pay close attention:

appetite decreased, but the weight is increasing,
deteriorating intestinal work, there are constipation,
thinner nails, they appear grooves and bulges.

Hypothyroidism begins quietly, but all of these symptoms, you see, we are usually easily explained by stress, fatigue and tiredness. Instead of having to check your thyroid hormone levels and normalize metabolism, sit on a diet, the result of which will not, and harm to an unbalanced diet, typical of nearly all diets, we might add.

The main causes of hypothyroidism, according to doctors:

inflammation of the thyroid gland,
congenital thyroid,
thyroid injury
radioactive radiation,
insufficient function of the pituitary hormones,
various surgeries,
lack of iodine in the body.

Doctors are advised to adjust their power so that the table is always present iodine-containing foods such as seaweed, sea fish, citrus fruits, beets, potatoes, tomatoes.

Most of iodine contained in seaweed and fish, the rest of its products are relatively few. But it is worth noting that all is good in moderation, and food containing iodine, too, should not be abused.

For example, so popular today Japanese cuisine as rolls, contain too much iodine, because it uses algae, which can adversely affect the thyroid. According to nutritionists estimate, one roll contains up to 92 micrograms of iodine, whereas its daily consumption rate of only 150 micrograms. Therefore, physicians are advised to eat no more than 2-3 per week rolls.

The role of the thyroid gland in the body

Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism: Symptoms opposite 

Symptoms and Causes of hyperthyroidism hypothyroidism are opposite, because in this disease the thyroid gland begins to produce hormones in excess of the norm and its enhanced function.

The main symptoms of hyperthyroidism:

people lose weight rapidly,
experiencing constant hunger,
often diarrhea,
It becomes irritable and aggressive,
his trembling fingers and eyelids,
there are the most common symptoms of hypertension - heart palpitations and high blood pressure.
In addition, hyperthyroidism is often the main cause of insomnia and dangerous complications of pregnancy. Pregnancy with hyperthyroidism requires mandatory compensation of the disease, because the excess hormones affect the fetus is extremely toxic and can cause his death, and various deformities.

Also, patients with hyperthyroidism often appears the so-called "exophthalmia", which creates additional problems of a cosmetic nature and often complex. Such patients often complain about to cardiologists, cure heart and blood vessels, and they just need something to normalize the function of your thyroid gland to stop the heart and blood pressure problems.

According to the eminent doctor and scientist Botkin, the main causes of hyperthyroidism:

neuro-psychiatric disorders,
emotional breakdowns that disrupt thyroid function.
Hyperthyroidism is often called the "professional" disease of singers and dancers, because the work makes them all the time "on edge" in a stressed state. In many patients, the primary cause of the disease has become a trauma, along with an unfavorable heredity.

Not for nothing now many doctors before the diagnosis, are asked to make thyroid ultrasound and donate blood for hormones, because the root of many diseases lies in abnormalities in the thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are equally dangerous and require treatment to the doctor because, if untreated, these symptoms are not only not disappear, but eventually strengthened.

When handling any scratches with iodine, you find that iodine traces disappear quickly (for example, for lubrication in the evening - in the morning no trace remains), then most likely, the iodine in your body is not enough. And if you are, in addition, you notice the host listed in this article signs of thyroid disease, be sure to turn in at the first opportunity the blood on hormones, especially TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone). This analysis is one hundred percent will show whether you have any thyroid disease.

If there is any deviation in the analysis, then do not panic, do not be afraid to consult a doctor. Believe me, thyroid disease are not afraid, afraid of the consequences when people are not treated. Do not be afraid "terrible" word hormones, having heard horror stories of incompetent people. The hormone thyroxine, which is prescribed to drink in low thyroid function, consists of only 4 atoms of iodine - as you can see, nothing wrong in it, it is completely harmless.

Endocrinologists also argue that the more and more people nervous, the more strained his thyroid gland. Therefore, do not bring your health to a critical condition, all you need - to protect the nerves and the nerves of your loved ones and to undergo regular medical examinations, thus preserving their health.
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