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» » Herniated discs of the lumbar

Herniated discs of the lumbar

Many diseases of the spine leads to the destruction of discs, creating the preconditions for the emergence of a herniated disc. Basically the lumbar intervertebral hernia causes, which is quite commonplace, affects people of working age. In children, this pathology is only innate, but the elderly are rare, because with age there are changes in the discs.

About 80% of people in the world are experiencing back pain, and most often, they involve it with a herniated disc. This disease is known as the "line of drive" and causes pain in the legs or back. Herniated discs of the lumbar reasons for its occurrence are associated with a variety of factors.

Herniated discs of the lumbar

Why there is this disease?

 The pathology appears as a result of the defeat of the intervertebral disc. The hernia protrudes toward the back and puts pressure on the nerve root and causes inflammation, which is accompanied by swelling. There are factors that contribute to an intervertebral hernia:

 Sharp body;

 Back injury from a fall or blow;

 Improper lifting weights greatly increases the risk of loss drives. It is best to use the legs when lifting the load, to reduce stress on your back;

 Excess weight, which is loaded and deformed spinal column;

Passive lifestyle.

  How does the disease? symptoms

 Herniated lumbar spine which symptoms depend on its size, is shown as follows.

 The very first symptom is pain. When the hernia is still small and does not press hard on the nerve roots, the patient complains of a dull non-persistent back pain. These pains are worse when you exercise, sneezing, coughing, prolonged sitting or standing.

 Herniated lumbar spine symptoms which manifest as it grows, it becomes unbearable for the patient. There ischialgia (shooting pains), which occurs after a change in body position. Sometimes numb feet or restricted areas of the skin on the feet. Severe pain leads to tension in the muscles, so the patient can not straighten his back completely. As a result of impaired posture. Can violated urination potency. This is a signal of serious problems with pinching the nerve pathways and requires urgent intervention of doctors.

Thus, the two separated phases of the disease. On the ground there is only a slight pain in the lumbar region, which suggests that the beginning of degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs. Under their influence in vertebral discs are formed cracks, reduced their strength.

Herniated discs of the lumbar symptoms which in the second stage due to the tension and compression of the spine. Direct contact hernia and spine causing severe pain.

 Patients are forced to stay in a certain position. Pose, in which the decrease of pain, creating a predisposition to scoliosis, lordosis, strain the back muscles. Herniated discs of the lumbar her symptoms in the early stages expressed irritation at the late - loss of function.

Herniated discs of the lumbar


 Herniated lumbar disc treatment which has not started yet, be corrected by restoring spinal mobility. If you manage to push the vertebrae, increase the distance between them, the deformation disappears, recovering the original position of the ridge and created all the conditions for reducing the hernia. If it reaches a value at which there is unbearable pain, that really need surgery.

 Herniated lumbar disc treatment that modern medicine is very well developed, is a common disease. Used for treating pathologies means by which increased blood flow in the deep tissues of the body. But before you start to use technical means possible to try to normalize the mobility and flexibility of the spine with the help of physical therapy. on LFK specialist must set the right course and calculate the dosage load. Exercises are usually simple and accessible to anyone.

 Before therapy, physical therapy, there are two tasks: removal of muscle spasm and the development of the back muscles. The main rule of Physical Education - Exercise should not cause pain. If this happens, you should decrease the intensity of the exercise and to check the correctness of their performance. Exercise therapy in herniated lumbar spine improves muscle activity, stimulates the immune system. Therapeutic exercises should be carried out very carefully, especially during an exacerbation. The greatest effect it brings in the recovery period.

 Complex physical therapy exercises for herniated lumbar spine, is aimed primarily at prevention and treatment of this disease. It calculated it on patients who suffer from this disease as the recent and long-term. The goal of physical therapy is a common practice of all muscle groups of the body, as well as strengthening the spine and restore its functionality.


Such disease as the lumbar intervertebral hernia treatment involves starting with conservative measures. These include:

1.Anti-inflammatory treatment.Medication to relieve inflammation;

2.. Dosed vacation. A few days of bed rest allow to cope with back pain, but no longer;

3. Special exercises for the development of the abdominal muscles and back muscles

4.Steroid injections. They are administered by syringe at certain points on the back for pain.

 Herniated discs of the lumbar treatment of which the administration of injectable steroids, very quickly ceases to disturb the patient. They help in 50% of cases where patients do not feel relief from other forms of treatments over several weeks. Short courses of injections and observation of the patient is the most surefire way to combat pain.

 Only a small percentage of patients require surgery. It is still a matter of much debate. Studies have shown that people who underwent surgery had the same performance as those who were treated with conservative methods in a couple of years. The operation helps to immediately relieve pain, numbness. The basic procedure when surgery is lumbar microdiscectomy, ie removal of the herniation and fabrics, creating pressure on the nerves.

 Things to consider when choosing a method of treatment:

 When non-surgical treatment of pain last longer and can not be cupping;

 In 5% there is a chance of recurrence of hernia in any form of treatment;

 After six months of unsuccessful surgical medical treatment will not be as effective, than would be starting with the disease.

 Thus, we can conclude that 95% of patients after treatment can return to normal daily life.
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