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» » Fibrosis of the pancreas

Fibrosis of the pancreas

Pancreatic fibrosis symptoms may be single or multiple, which displays very variably at different stages of the inflammatory process. For the main clinical symptoms of inflammation of the fibrous include the following:

Fibrosis of the pancreas

 The constant nagging pain in the left hypochondrium;

 Belching air;




 Loss of appetite;

 Weight Loss;

 The development of sensitization of the organism;

 Accession diabetes.

 At the initial stage of a chronic disease such as pancreatic fibrosis symptoms may not appear, or wear very mark erased character, that creates some difficulties in the diagnosis of this pathology.

 The diagnosis of fibrosis confirmed by laboratory tests, functional tests and instrumental studies of pancreatic functions. Difdiagnostiki carried with cholelithiasis, duodenal ulcer or gastric, pancreatic cancer, cystic fibrosis and chronic enteritis.

 During exacerbation of conservative treatment of fibrosis of the pancreas is similar to acute pancreatitis. Patients assigned light diet that excludes eating spicy, fried, greasy, salted, smoked and pickled foods, alcoholic beverages and coffee.

 Among the medicines leading role in the treatment of fibrosis have a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, paracetamol, nimesulide), antispasmodics (no-spa, papaverine), antifermental drugs (octreotide, famotidine, abeprazol), enzymes (Creon, pancreatin, triferment), antioxidants ( vitamins? -carotene), antitoxins (gemodez, Ringer's solution) and antibiotics (penicillins and cephalosporins).

 In severe cases, surgery is used fibrosis of the pancreas, with further physical rehabilitation and spa treatment.

 Prevention of this disease is reduced to comply with the correct power of the regime, refusal of bad habits and timely treatment soput-sponding pathological processes.
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