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» » How to improve the child's immune system?

How to improve the child's immune system?

Features children's immunity
Few parents are aware, but the children's immune system has some distinctive features, and up to 14-15 years, the immune system is different from the adult:

The immune system of the baby starts only after 6 months after birth;

With 6 months and up to 13-14 years, the system is constantly evolving and growing stronger;

The child, there are 5 periods in the development of the immune system: The first 28 days of life - a passive immunity, and most of the work for the protection of the body of a small carry antibodies derived from the mother's milk - this is the first period. The second lasts up to 6 months to 2 years, the third, the fourth to 4-6 years and the fifth to 12-15.

The main factor in the development of the immune system is to antigenic stimulation. Antigens are parts of bacteria, viruses and other micro-organisms through contact with which the immune system develops antibodies to fight them.

That is, it turns out that contact with the infection and the bacteria needed for the development of immunity, it is in the children's period, when the body's defense system is only beginning to become. At this time the child needs to learn not only to walk and talk, but also to protect themselves from infection.

How to improve the child's immune system?

Vaccines work on the same principle - they make the body learns to fight viruses.

Of course, it is a contact and a safe amount of germs and bacteria; if the infection is too strong for increasing immunity, it may cause other than to infectious diseases, and immune disorders.

In this case, the immune system must be developed gradually, according to the natural maturity. Too early activation it may also lead to abnormal development and health problems of the child.

Can you give a child adjuvants?

Until the age of three, these drugs are strictly forbidden, and then you can give, but only in cases where the presence of clinically proven immunodeficiency states.

Thus, up to 16 years, no Arbidol (this is an immunomodulator) can not be given to children. During this period the immune system is developing and you need to give her a chance to do it yourself.

Due to that reduced immunity in children?

Chronic foci of infection;

The lack of vitamins and protein in the diet;


Carious teeth;

Diseases of the digestive system;

Poor hygiene;


Environmental risks.

How to improve the child's immune system without drugs and immunomodulators

Many people are already tired of the phrase "healthy lifestyle", but that's what you need to ensure your child so that he grew up strong and healthy. But being healthy is happiness, even if many do not appreciate it.

So, a healthy way of life of the child is:

Physical activity
Nowadays parents the most difficult to get your child off the computer and go outside for a walk. Previously, we did not know how to escape from the house and in the yard to play from morning till night, but now without the screams and cries hard to separate them from the screen. What to do? Do not completely prohibit the use of a computer, but you can limit the time spent at it, you can register your child at various sports clubs, dances, during the weekend to play with the children in a ball, badminton or other exciting games.

Stay outdoors
Before to send their children to kindergarten, you need as often as possible with him for a walk in the fresh air. Do not be afraid to take the child with him on business. The coolest moms everywhere take with them their offspring. Of course, it is troublesome, but this little man can in these short trips to see a lot and learn a lot. Since the environment also plays an important role in the proper development of the immune system, you should try as much as possible with your child to spend the weekend out of town.

How to improve the child's immune system?

Psychological calm
You may ask, what stress? Be attentive to your child's behavior, interest in the kindergarten teacher how he was behaving with whom friendly, whether it is active. Due to employment, many parents may not notice that the child has problems in relationships with peers, for example, or in the relationship with the teachers and educators. All of this has an impact not only on his psyche, but also on health.

Avoid contact with the patient
Receiving the minimum number of drugs

Nutrition for immunity
Proteins. The first thing to see to it that the child was eating enough protein. It would seem that so tough, but cereals, potatoes, soup without meat and bread can not provide the right amount of protein for normal development of the young organism.

The main sources of protein are: meat, cheese, legumes and eggs. Make sure your child is eating at least one serving of protein foods per day.

Fruits and vegetables. Just like adults, children need to enter into the diet as much as possible fruits and vegetables.

The right fats. Strengthening the immune system that contribute to the fats contained in nuts, fish, butter is also good for children.

Beverages. If the juices - let them be fresh, useful and herbal teas, cocoa with milk, jelly. All but sodas and water with artificial flavorings and colorings.

In addition to products that are the basis of nutrition, there are those that are called "natural antibiotic" due to its firming and anti-microbial properties:

-Onion and garlic;
-Sea buckthorn;
-Dairy products.

Increased immunity kindergarten child, a difficult task, but realized, even without the use of immunomodulatory substances. Correct and rich in vitamins and trace elements nutrition can do for the health of the body is much more than many realize, so parents must first take care of the diet of a loved child.
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