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Adaptogens increase the body's defenses

Adaptogens increase the body's defenses

Ginseng. This is a low perennial herbaceous plant, whose age could reach 50 years. Drugs give it a stimulating and toning effect. They are successfully used in the physical and mental fatigue, after a long illness, low blood pressure, nervous system disorders, neurasthenia, vegetative neurosis, depressive states. The greatest stimulatory effect was observed when using a tincture of ginseng on the alcohol strength of 40 degrees. It is recommended to take 15-20 drops 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment - 2-4 weeks. Total possible throughout the year for 2-5 courses depending on the condition. Between courses mandatory breaks from 2 weeks to a month.
For ginseng is characterized by seasonality of action. It is most effective in winter and autumn. In spring and summer its tonic effect drops to a minimum. Other adaptogens such seasonality is not observed.

Zamaniha high. Low thorns. Use rhizomes, which are produced from the tincture 1: 5 to 70 percent alcohol. Take before eating 30-40 drops. By its action, it is close to the tincture of ginseng, the duration of courses and the intervals between them are the same.

Adaptogens increase the body's defenses

Aralia Manchu. A small tree 1.5-2 m tall. Aralia roots is used as a substitute for ginseng. Aralia root tincture and take 30-40 drops before meals. Preparations from the roots of Aralia tone the central nervous system, relieve mental and physical fatigue. Applying them after a serious illness faster restores the body.

Eleutherococcus senticosus. Eleutherococcus extract liquid from the leaves and the roots take 20-40 drops before meals. The course of treatment lasts 3-4 weeks. Possible repeated courses after 2-3-week break. Babies Eleutherococcus extract yield at the rate of 1 drop of medication at 1 year of age. Eleutherococcus has stimulant and tonic properties, ability to sharpen hearing, vision, improves mental and physical performance.

Leuzea carthamoides. Herbaceous perennial plant. Used rhizome, also known as "Maral root." Liquid extract stimulates the mental processes, increases efficiency up to 70 percent alcohol. It is used 20-30 drops per day after meals.

Adaptogens increase the body's defenses

Rhodiola rosea. Perennial herb, known as golden root. The rhizomes and roots of Rhodiola outside have a unique golden color. The liquid extract of Rhodiola take 5-10 drops in half an hour before meals. The course of treatment lasts 2-3 weeks. Preparations golden root is used in asthenia and vegetative-vascular dystonia. They are contraindicated in nervous excitement, high blood pressure, fevers.

Schisandra. . Curly bush-vine with a stem length of 10-15 m, a thickness of about 2 cm of Schisandra fruit contains a lot of organic acids: citric acid 11%, 7-9% - apple, 0.8% - tartaric. He is rich in vitamins C and E, trace elements - manganese, copper, zinc, nickel. The fruit juice detected titanium and silver. Schisandra increases the overall resistance of the organism. It is used in a number of diseases associated with prostration: anemia, diseases of the lungs, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract. When circulatory failure, low blood pressure magnolia improves mood, increases blood pressure.

Good effect gives reception lemongrass in asthenic and depressive states, with fatigue, irritability, tendency to headaches. Schisandra increases visual acuity, eye accelerates adaptation to darkness. There is evidence that the lemongrass prevent high cholesterol content in the blood and prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
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