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» » Born in the winter are more prone to lung diseases

Born in the winter are more prone to lung diseases

Study leader Professor Cecilia Svanes from the University of Bergen (Norway), along with co-authors found three such factors.

"If your mother smoked during pregnancy, and it will negatively affect on your lungs The same thing happens if you are born in the winter season or if the transferred severe respiratory infection in the very early period of life." - She says.

In a previous study, Professor Sveyns found that the impact of adverse factors early in life affects the growth and development of the lungs. In the new study, which was attended by about 13 thousand. Europeans aged 28 to 73 years, it was found that three of the above factors cause lung function and accelerated aging in adulthood. However, these negative changes occur only if people in their lifetime have been exposed to such unfavorable factors as smoking or a very strong air pollution, as well as interact with chemicals that release harmful vapors. For example, people working in the field of cleaning, regularly interact with a variety of cleaning agents.

Identification of the relationship between the season in which a person was born, and its susceptibility to lung disease scientists have not been able to explain. The authors suggest that this may be due to a lack of vitamin D or more frequent exposure to viral infections in the body of the pregnant mother during the winter.

Professor Sveyns believes that the observations made must be considered in a positive manner. The health care system should pay more attention to people who are exposed to these risk factors. She stressed that one of the most dangerous causes of abnormalities in the lungs is smoking and the sooner people get rid of this habit, the greater the chance that it will retain the healthy lungs.
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