Why do I need to sleep on your left side
The optimal position for good sleep - when a person is lying on his left side. The habit of falling asleep in this position, no kidding, can save your life.
On which side do you sleep - this is important.
There are several sleeping positions, and they all affect your health. Sleeping on your back can be dangerous - especially for people with sleep apnea or asthma. Sleeping on the right side stimulates digestion problems.
So that the only absolutely "safe" position to sleep - on the left side.
The benefits of this pose.
Sleep on your left side, as researchers believe, can significantly improve health. The fact is that it is on the left side contains most of the lymph nodes. And while you are sleeping on this side, your body effectively filter toxins and waste products through the lymphatic thoracic duct and lymph nodes.
On the other hand, sleep on the right side of the body slows down your lymphatic system. This leads to the fact that the system of your body purification is inefficient. As a result - the risk of fatal diseases due to excessive accumulation of toxins.
Furthermore, it was found that while sleeping on the left side of the digestive system works effectively. So if you have a habit to gorge on for the night, take this advice with a greater-than-normal gravity.
How to accustom themselves to the desired position.
Warning: the formation of new habits will take some time and will require you some effort. Here are some tips:
- Try to lie on your left side, putting another pillow behind his back.
- Try to go to the other side of the bed.
- Another trick: on the right side of the bed let it burn dim light. Since instinctive level your body will want to turn away from the light, it will choose the "right" side.